
Thursday, May 1 / 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

P1Marriage, Unions, Families and Households

Thursday, May 1 / 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

1Couple and Relationship Influences on Contraceptive Use
2Maternal, Infant, and Child Health and Mortality
3Education and Assimilation
4Population and Environment I
5International and Internal Migration in Developing Countries
6Mathematical Demography and Formal Demography
7The Census Bureau's Subnational Projections Toolkit
8Labor Force Participation and Family
9Health Behaviors, Health, and Mortality
10Safety Net Programs and the Great Recession
11Sexual Behavior, Contraceptive Use, and HIV
12Policy and Intervention Effects on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
13Race and Ethnicity and Families
14Building Human Capital in Early Childhood
15Family Structure, Parenting, and Child Well-Being
16Life Course Influences on Health and Mortality in International Perspective
17Social Disparities in Health and Mortality in Developing Countries
18Marriage, Marital Dissolution, and Health
19Diasporas and Ethno-Racial Inequality

Thursday, May 1 / 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM

20Innovations for the 2020 Census
21Early Childhood Education
22Strengthening Reproductive Health Programs in Developing Countries
23Fertility Transitions
24Aging and Family Change
25Forecasting USA Mortality: Methods and New Findings
26Health and Disability in Later Life
27Methods and Measurement in Population, Development, and Environment Research
28Remittances and Consequences of Migration
29Reaping the Demographic Dividend in Developing Countries
30Gender and Union Dissolution
31Determinants and Consequences of Obesity and Weight Gain in International Contexts
32Partnerships and Fertility
33Migration and Family Dynamics
34Life Course Perspectives on Families and Health
35Smoking, Obesity, and Exercise
36Family Policy across the World
37Demography and Ethno-Racial Inequality I
38Inequality and Labor Markets in Comparative Perspective

Thursday, May 1 / 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

P2Fertility Intentions and Behavior

Thursday, May 1 / 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

39Family Planning and Fertility: Policy and Practice
40Low Fertility
41Residential Segregation
42Innovations in Qualitative Methods
43Demography of Disasters I   
44Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health and Mortality
45Measuring Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Same-Sex Couple Households in Population-Based Surveys
46Life Course Approaches to Health and Mortality
47Race and Gender Inequality in Education Outcomes
48Rethinking Gender and Family in the Transition to Adulthood
49The Impact of Marriage and Parenthood on Work: An International Perspective
50Health and Mortality in Developing Countries
51New Insights into the Determinants of Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
52Gender in Families
53Youth and Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) Risk Behavior
54Causal Approaches to Health and Health Behaviors
55Incarceration and Economic Outcomes
56Intergenerational Relations
57Relationships between Migration, Immigration, and Aging

Thursday, May 1 / 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

P3Health of Women, Children, and Families

Thursday, May 1 / 2:45 PM - 4:15 PM

58Social Disparities in Contraceptive Use Patterns
59Global Perspectives on Demography and Gender Inequality: Polices, Patterns, and Processes
60Undocumented Immigration: Contributions from Theory and Research
61Communicating Social Science Research through the Media
62Educational Achievement and Attainment
63Gender Disparities in Health and Mortality
64Innovative Methods in Spatial Demography
65Migration and Reproductive Behavior
66Digital Records for Demographic Research
67Family Demography and Economic Inequality
68Older Populations in the Americas: Determinants of Healthy Aging
69Fertility Intentions: High and Low Fertility Countries
70Applying Demography to Population Health
71SES, Health, and Mortality
72Current Mortality and Demographic Transition in Developing Countries
73Family Composition, Instability, and Household Measurements
74Education, Health, and Mortality: Pathways and Mechanisms.
75The Family and the Macroeconomy
76The Causes and Consequences of Gender-Based Violence

Thursday, May 1 / 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM

P4Migration and Urbanization; Population, Development and the Environment

Thursday, May 1 / 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

77Sexuality and Gender issues
78NRC Report on Proposed Revisions to Federal Regulations for Protecting Participants in Social and Behavioral Sciences
79Geographical Diversity of Family Life from a Longitudinal Perspective: Introduction to Three Major Panel Surveys in Germany and Europe
80Models for Mortality Analysis
81Residential Attainment
82Fertility Intentions: Measurement and Meaning
83Effects of Fetal and Childhood Conditions on Adult Health Outcomes
84New Patterns of Mexican Migration to the U.S.
85Union Formation across the World
86Family Structure and Household Composition Changes and their Economic Consequences
87Son Preference and Sex Selection
88Early Childhood Education and Child Outcomes
89Demographic Consequences of Domestic Gender Equality
90Family Complexity, Siblings, and Parenting
91Healthcare Access, Insurance, and Delivery
92Gender, Marital Status, and Health
93Health and Mortality Effects of Macro Social, Economic, and Technological Change
94Gendered Contexts, Gendered Implications: Demographic Processes in Family, School, and Work in the U.S.

Friday, May 2 / 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

95The Demography of Health Reform in the United States
96Fertility Transitions in Sub-Saharan Africa I
97Comparative Perspectives on Aging and Health
98Human Capital, Labor Market Outcomes, and Inequality
99Spatial Analysis and Network Analysis
100Biodemography of Aging
101Population Dynamics and Climate Change
102How Policy Influences Health and Mortality in Developed and Developing Contexts
103Economic and Social Consequences of the Great Recession
104Advances in Methods for Forecasting Mortality
105Investments in Children: Implications for Well-Being
106LGBTQ Population in Families and Households
107Gender and Health
109Families Living Apart in the United States
110AIDS in the Era of ART
111Mortality Trends and Differentials I
112Measuring Race and Ethnicity
113Grandparents and Demographic Change

Friday, May 2 / 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

P5Economy, Labor Force, Education and Inequality

Friday, May 2 / 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM

114Fertility and the Demographic Dividend
115Non-Marital and Diverse Family Forms
116Training the Next Generation of Population Researchers
117Mexico, at a Demographic Crossroads?
118Older Populations in International and Cross-Cultural Perspective
119Neighborhood Change and Residential Mobility
120New Data Collection Techniques
121Internal Migration in Developing Countries
122Urbanization in Global Perspective
123Adolescent Risk Behaviors and Health
124Interaction of Family and Economic Processes
125Sex, Fertility, and Well-Being
126Social Safety Nets, Family, and Economic Outcomes
127Living Alone
128Understanding Old-Age Mortality
129Mortality Trends and Differentials II
130The Health of Children of Immigrants
131School Costs and School Quality -- What Affects Outcomes?
132Families Health and Well-Being

Friday, May 2 / 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

P6Population Aging; Gender, Race and Ethnicity

Friday, May 2 / 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

133The Future of Data Collection for Population Research
134Biodemography, Health, and Mortality
135Gender and Development: A Gendered Lens on Wealth, Productivity, and the Allocation of Resources at the Household Level
136Health Insurance, Health Care Use, and Health
137Causal Inference and Experimental Designs
138Public Health and Demography I
139Migration of the Young and the Old
140Economic and Geographic Mobility
141Effects of Policies and Programs and Events on Infant Mortality and Birth Outcomes
142Contextual and Network Influences on Educational Outcomes
143Employment, Unions, and Fertility: New Findings
144Timing of Fertility
145Methodological Perspectives on Contraceptive Use Analysis
146Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
147The Impact of Immigration on Family Transitions
148Father-Child Relationships in Diverse Settings
149Child Obesity and Food Insecurity
150Neighborhood, School, and Community Influences on Child and Adolescent Health
151Gender, Demographic Transitions, and Educational Inequalities

Friday, May 2 / 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

P7Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health

Friday, May 2 / 2:45 PM - 4:15 PM

152Men's Sexual and Reproductive Health
153Improving the Reliability of Small Area Estimates from the American Community Survey
154Public Policy and Population Aging
155High-Skilled Immigration
156Gender, Family, and Careers
157Demography and Ethno-Racial Inequality II
158Statistical Demography: Simulations and Models
159Suburbanization, Exurbanization, and Rural Change
160Multi-Generational Effects on Economic and Education Outcomes
161Family Influences on Health and Mortality
162Marriage Markets around the World
163HIV-AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
164Couples' Fertility in Europe and Canada
165Infertility and Childlessness
166Biosocial Perspectives on Child and Adolescent Development
167Adolescent and Youth Risk Behaviors and Health in Sub-Saharan Africa
168Intergenerational Support and Caregiving
169Maternal and Adult Mortality in Developing Countries
170The Health of Sexual Minorities

Saturday, May 3 / 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

171Contraceptive Use
172Complex and Diverse Familial Contexts for Children
173Socioeconomic Dimensions of Assimilation
174Aging, Biodemography and Biomarkers
175Demographic and Statistical Approaches to Small-Area Estimation
176Gender and Development
177Methodological Innovations in Intimate Partner Violence Research
178Safety Net Programs and Their Impacts on Human Capital Investments and Learning Outcomes
179African Migration in Comparative Perspective
180Incarcerated, Foster Care, and Juvenile Justice Youth: Development and Outcomes
181Family Structure, Homogamy, and Economic Inequality
182STD, HIV, Fertility, and Family Planning
183Fertility Intentions and Influences Upon
184Determinants of Domestic Gender Equality
185Socioeconomic Status, Inequality, and Child Well-Being
186Contextual Approaches to Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
187Family Policy and Fertility
188Cohort Change and Inequality in Divorce
189Applications of Methods and Measurement in Population and Environment Research in Low and Middle Income Countries

Saturday, May 3 / 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

P8Adult Health and Mortality

Saturday, May 3 / 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

190From ICPD to Post-2015: Priorities for a New Global Development Agenda
191Big Data for Demographic Research
193New Directions in the Study of Neighborhoods and Residential Segregation
194Determinants of Birth Timing
195Economic Well-Being in Later Life
196Transition to Adulthood
197Poverty, Instability, and Mobility
198Economic Outcomes for Immigrants in Developed Countries
199Immigrant Settlement: From Enclaves to New Destinations
200Gender and the Allocation of Time to Work and Family
201Sexual Behavior, Risk, and Networks
202Housing and Living Arrangements since the Great Recession
203Romantic Relationships in Adolescence and Young Adulthood
204Biodemography of Reproduction
205Obesity in Different Demographic Contexts
206Place Effects and Health: Methodological Innovations and New Findings
207Public Health and Demography II
208Demographic Processes and Mental Health

Saturday, May 3 / 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

P9Children and Youth; Data and Methods

Saturday, May 3 / 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

209Fertility Transitions in Sub-Saharan Africa II
210Return Migration from the United States to Latin America
211Aging and Health in Developing Countries
212Cohabitation and Marriage
213Disability and Labor Supply
214Statistical Methods for Demographic Analysis
215Reproductive and Sexual Health Policy and Politics
216Insights and Lessons for Improving Collection and Use of Existing Demographic Data Generation Systems
217Happiness, Parenting, and Childbearing
218Race and Gender Inequality in Economic Outcomes
219Economic Circumstances, Child Health, and Well-Being
220Building Savings, Assets, and Wealth
221Population and Environment II
222Parental Characteristics on Child Health and Behavioral Outcomes
223Measurement and Projections of Population Aging
224Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Child Well-Being
225Education, Health, and Mortality: Causality Issues
226Demography of Disasters II
227Health Disparities in India