Session 156:
Gender, Family, and Careers
Discussant: Florencia Torche, New York University (NYU)
Chair: Eric V. Edmonds, Dartmouth College
How Do Married Men Get Ahead? A Process-Based Examination of the Male Marriage Premium Alexandra Killewald, Harvard University ; Ian Lundberg, Harvard University
Understanding the Mechanism of the Return to Delayed First Birth Jane L. Herr, Harvard University
Unequal Returns to Race, Gender, and Immigration Status: Estimating Wage Distributions across Local Labour Markets Jamie Goodwin-White, University of California, Los Angeles
Career Consequences of Flexible Work Practices in a Changing Context Katie Genadek, University of Minnesota ; Anne Kaduk, University of Minnesota ; Erin Kelly, University of Minnesota ; Phyllis Moen, University of Minnesota
Other sessions on Economy, Labor Force, Education, and Inequality