Poster Session 5:
Economy, Labor Force, Education and Inequality
Who Are the Best and Brightest Researchers in the U.S.? Wei Huang, Harvard University
The Roles of Instability and Housing in Low-Income Families' Residential Mobility Melissa Kull, Boston College
Projecting Statewide Student Enrollment in Wisconsin Sarah Kemp, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Family Is Not a Safe Haven: Estimating and Explaining Differences between Siblings in Educational Outcomes Michael Grätz, European University Institute
Gender Differential in Educational Attainments in India: Comparing Results of Individual-Level and Household-Level Analysis Zakir Husain, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur ; Charanjit Kaur, University of Delhi
Migration, Remittances, and Smallholder Decision-Making: Implications for Land Use and Livelihood Change in Central America David Lopez-Carr, University of California, Santa Barbara ; Jason Davis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Understanding the Evolution of Female Employment in Mexico Elia De la Cruz Toledo, Columbia University
Offshore Enrollment in Higher Education and Migration: Some Insights from Australia Antonina Levatino, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Building Schools, Shrinking Farm Labor Supply Diane Charlton, University of California, Davis ; Ed Taylor, University of California, Davis
Changing Partner Choice and Marriage Propensities by Education in Taiwan Yen-Hsin Alice Cheng, Academia Sinica
Adult Participation in Undergraduate Education: Trends, Patterns, and Attainment over the Life Course David B. Monaghan, Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY)
How Does High School Poverty Matter? High School Economic Composition and Post-Secondary Outcomes Zitsi Mirakhur, Princeton University
Racial Differences in Wealth Composition and the Intergenerational Transmission of Wealth across Generations Janeria A Easley, Princeton University
Beyond Parental Incarceration: The Effects of Household Incarceration on the Intergenerational Transmission of Disadvantage through Family Structure Aaron Gottlieb, Princeton University
Measuring Achievement and Shortfall Improvements in a Consistent Way Iñaki Permanyer, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Transition from School-to-Work in Egypt: An Update on Young People Labor Market Conditions in the Wake of the January 25th Revolution Irene N. Selwaness, Cairo University ; Rania Roushdy, Population Council
Family Networks and Transfers of Time and Money: New Evidence from the 2013 Panel Study of Income Dynamics Suzanne M. Bianchi, University of California, Los Angeles ; Vicki A. Freedman, University of Michigan ; V. Joseph Hotz, Duke University ; Robert Schoeni, University of Michigan ; Judith A. Seltzer, University of California, Los Angeles
Parental Education, Intergenerational Educational Mobility and Higher Order Births Adriana Duta, University of Southampton
Economic Development and Road Traffic Fatalities in Russian Federal States during 2004-2011 Huan He, Johns Hopkins University ; Nino Paichadze, Johns Hopkins University ; Adnan Hyder, Johns Hopkins University
Predicting the Impact of Savings on Educational Outcomes Jaehyun Nam, Columbia University
Income Inequality among Legal Immigrants in the U.S.: Impacts of STEM Major and Inter-State Relocation Qian He, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Gender, Body Mass, and Economic Outcomes: Chinese Social Change and Weight Penalty Chih-Chien Huang, Arizona State University ; Stephanie Ayers, Arizona State University ; Jennie J. Kronenfeld, Arizona State University
The Changing Ethno-Racial Gap in Family-Friendly ‘Fringe’ Benefits, 1997-2008 Justin R. Young, University of New Hampshire ; Kristin Smith, University of New Hampshire
Decoupling Parental Absences from Remittances in Economic Migration: The Case of Educational Attainment in Guatemalan Migrant-Sending Households Noli Brazil, Yale University
Casualties of Criminal Justice: The Incarceration of American Veterans, 1972-2012 Bryan L. Sykes, DePaul University ; Amy K. Bailey, University of Illinois at Chicago
Child Development Accounts, Parental Educational Expectations, and Savings for College Education: Evidence from SEED OK Social Experiment Youngmi Kim, Virginia Commonwealth University ; Jin Huang, Saint Louis University ; Michael Sherraden, Washington University in St. Louis
A New Model for Projecting the Demographic Dividend Bernice Kuang, Futures Group ; Scott Moreland, Futures Group ; Elizabeth Leahy-Madsen, Futures Group ; Matthew Hamilton, Futures Group
Migration Patterns and English Language Proficiency among First Generation Migrants to the U.S. Eric Ketcham, Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY) ; Jeremy Porter, City University of New York (CUNY)
Estimated Internal Migration and Its Relationship with Workforce in India: Census, 2011 Avijit Mistri, Jawaharlal Nehru University ; Bhaswati Das, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Children’s Economic Well-Being in Single-Parent Families: Gender and Lone Parent versus Multigenerational Households Seth Williams, Bowling Green State University
The Timing of Paternal Migration and Children’s Educational Aspirations Sam Hyun Yoo, Arizona State University
The Earnings Gender Gap for Self-Employed Millennials: Evidence from the NLSY 97 Megan M. Way, Babson College ; Jessica Simon, Babson College
Does Family Matter? Investigating the Relationships between Household Composition and Participation in the Informal Economy Emily J. Wornell, Pennsylvania State University ; Paige Castellanos, Pennsylvania State University ; Ann Tickamyer, Pennsylvania State University ; Leif Jensen, Pennsylvania State University
Recent Trend and Pattern of Indian Emigration to Gulf Countries: A Diaspora Perspective Naresh Kumar, Central University of Gujarat
Incentive or Obstacle? The Use of Parental Leave of Immigrant Mothers Eleonora Mussino, Stockholm University ; Ann-Zofie Duvander, Stockholm University
Labor Force Participation of Latin-American Mothers in Spain: The Role of Multigenerational Living Arrangements in Times of Economic Crisis Helga A. G. de Valk, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) and Vrije Universiteit Brussel ; Xiana Bueno, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
The Effect of Social Mobility on the Odds and Destination of Relocation: Moving within or out of the Brussels-Capital Region Lena Imeraj, Vrije Universiteit Brussel ; Didier Willaert, Vrije Universiteit Brussel ; Sylvie Gadeyne, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Patterns and Trends in Grade Retention Rates in the United States, 1995-2010 John R. Warren, University of Minnesota ; Emily Hoffman, University of Minnesota ; Megan Andrew, University of Notre Dame ; Stefanie Lightner, University of Minnesota ; Jim Saliba, University of Minnesota
Caste and the Escape from Poverty in India, 2005-2012 Amit Thorat, National Council of Applied Economic Research
Projections of Educational Attainment of the Labor Force Aged Population in Texas Xiuhong You, University of Texas at San Antonio ; Lloyd Potter, University of Texas at San Antonio
Age, Period, and Cohort Trends in Americans’ Vocabulary Knowledge Liying Luo, University of Minnesota
Within-Occupation and Industry Sex, Race, and Educational Differences in Exposures to Workplace Hazards Julia A. Rivera Drew, University of Minnesota
Crossing the Bridge: Race, Meritocracy, and Timing of College Completion Ervin (Maliq) Matthew, University of Cincinnati
Rural Road Development and Ethnic Inequality in Vietnam Scott R. Sanders, Brigham Young University ; Brian C. Thiede, Cornell University
Those Who Pay and Those Who Don’t: The Role of Family Support in Protecting Young Adults from Student Loan Debt Katherine Pearson, Pennsylvania State University
Economic Burden of Non-Communicable Diseases in India Debasis Barik, National Council of Applied Economic Research
Governing Demographics William B. Reynolds III, Deloitte Consulting LLP ; Christine Elliott, Deloitte Consulting LLP
Economic Resources and Marriage: Variation by Educational Attainment Alicia VanOrman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Influence of Fatherhood on Time Spent at Work: Job Characteristics as a Moderating Factor Ian Lundberg, Harvard University
Child Labour and Contextual Effects: An Ethnic-Racial Differentiation for Cali, Colombia Ana M. Osorio, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali ; Bladimir Carabalí, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali ; Luis Fernando Aguado, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali
Gender Differences in the Retention of Literacy and Numeracy in Malawi Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Population Council ; Christine A. Kelly, Population Council ; Barbara S. Mensch, Population Council ; Paul C. Hewett, Population Council
Under-Reporting of Means-Tested Program Receipt in the American Community Survey: The Case of California Caroline Danielson, Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) ; Sarah Bohn, Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) ; Shannon McConville, Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) ; Matt Levin, Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC)
Growing Economy and Declining Female Employment: An Indian Paradox Esha Chatterjee, University of Maryland
Family Socioeconomic Status, Parental Unemployment and Children’s Educational Attainment Caren Arbeit, University of Minnesota
Improving the Measurement of the STEM-Trained Population using Generalized Method of Moments Yu-Chieh Hsu, University of Chicago and NORC ; Janna E. Johnson, University of Minnesota ; Javaeria A. Qureshi, University of Illinois at Chicago
Change over Time in Educational Differentials in Marriage Formation among Cohabitors Janet Kuo, University of Texas at Austin
Impact of Teenage Childbirth on Schooling Yung-Ting Bonnenfant, Johns Hopkins University ; Ghada S. T. Al-Attar, Assiut University ; Ann Herbert, Johns Hopkins University
The Effect of Expected Longevity on Retirement and Social Security Claiming Zhendong Zhao, Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY)
Employment Measurement: Comparing Survey and Resume Reports Kelvin Balakasi, Independent Consultant ; Susan Godlonton, University of Michigan
Socioeconomic Stratification in College STEM Persistence Chelsea Moore, University of Texas at Austin
The Role of Material Hardship in Grade Retention Erik Schmidt, Cornell University
Individual and Contextual Effects on the Educational Attainment of the First, Second, and Third Generations in Canada Rennie Lee, University of California, Los Angeles
Adolescent Employment and Schooling Outcomes in Malawi Jinho Kim, University of Wisconsin-Madison ; Monica J. Grant, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Preparing for Local or Global Jobs? Local Labor Markets, High School Course-Taking, and College Enrollment April Sutton, University of Texas at Austin ; Amanda Bosky, University of Texas at Austin
Ethnic Minority Education in Vietnam Quang T. Trieu, Pennsylvania State University ; Rukmalie Jayakody, Pennsylvania State University ; Suet-ling Pong, Pennsylvania State University
Inequality and Crime Revisited: Effects of Local Inequality and Economic Segregation on Crime Songman Kang, Hanyang University
Disabilities over the Elderly Ecuadorian Population Eva Maria Mera Intriago, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Guayaquil-Ecuador ; Amando Blanes, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Antonio D. Cámara, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Economic Recessions and Racial and Ethnic Stratification in Employment Insecurity, 1975-2012 Ryan Finnigan, WZB Berlin Social Science Center ; David Brady, WZB Berlin Social Science Center
The Effect of Shifting toward a Performance-Based Admission Policy on Educational Inequality: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis of the Educational Reform in Taiwan Yu-han Jao, Northwestern University
The Great Recession and Causal Effects of College for Young Workers Matthew K. Curry, University of California, Los Angeles
Trends in Spouse’s Shared Time in the United States, 1965-2012 Katie Genadek, University of Minnesota ; Sarah Flood, University of Minnesota ; Joan Garcia Roman, University of Minnesota
The Growing Importance of Socioemotional Skills for Academic Achievement in the United States Ozcan Tunalilar, University of Florida ; Robert G. White, University of Florida
Nature of Social Happiness Security for Nepalese Labour Migration in Mumbai: Cost-Benefit, Problems-Prospect Kalosona Paul, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Shrestha Saha, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Skipping Questions on School Exams: The Role of Socio-Emotional Skills on Educational Outcomes Monica Hernandez, University of Michigan ; Jonathan Hershaff, University of Michigan
School to Work Transitions of Mexican Youth Helena Cruz Castanheira, University of Pennsylvania
School Expansion, Educational Inequality, and Social Mobility in Reforming China Maocan Guo, Harvard University
Women, Work, and Age around the World Gretchen Donehower, University of California, Berkeley
Affirmative Actions and College Students’ Academic Engagement and Performance in China Weidong Wang, Renmin University of China