Poster Session 1:
Marriage, Unions, Families and Households
Contextual Economic Conditions and Entry into Parenthood: The Event of First Childbearing in Sweden 2000-2007 Christopher Grönberg, Cornell University
The Labor Market Behavior of Married Women with Young Children in the U.S.: Have Differences by Religion Disappeared? Evelyn L. Lehrer, University of Illinois at Chicago ; Yu Chen, University of Illinois at Chicago
Exploring the Role of Metropolitan Areas on Intergenerational Coresidence Jonathan Jackson, University of Maryland
Domestic Labor Exchange? Interactions between Gender, Race, and Interracial Marriage in Brazil Maria C. Tomas, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais
Presence of Grandparents and Labour Market Outcomes of Mothers: Evidence from India Mousumi Dutta, Presidency University ; Zakir Husain, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Burnt Toast and Harsh Words versus French Toast and Sweet Talk: What Child Gender Got to Do with It? Meenakshi Beri, Central Michigan University
Maternal Paid Leave Benefits and the Use of Pediatric Preventive Health Services: An Instrumental Variable Analysis Megan Shepherd-Banigan, University of Washington ; Janice F. Bell, University of Washington ; Anirban Basu, University of Washington ; Cathryn Booth-LaForce, University of Washington ; Jeff Harris, University of Washington
Sexuality and Partnership Formation in Adolescent with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria Tolulope M. Ola, Ekiti State University ; Abayomi Oshatimi, Federal Medical Centre, Ido-Ekiti ; Olalekan Adeyemi, Sound Health Development Initiative ; Oluwagemiga Oyinlola, Sound Health Development Initiative
Household Extension, Reducing or Reinforcing Inequality? Women’s Employment, Immigration, Children, and Household Extension Jeehye Kang, University of Maryland
Families in Asia: A Cross-National Comparison of Inter-Generational Co-Residence Chia Liu, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
The Transition to First Marriage in China, 1966-2008: A Life Course Approach Martin Piotrowski, University of Oklahoma ; Yuying Tong, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) ; Yueyun Zhang, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) ; Lu Chao, University of Oklahoma
Discrete Time to Event Models for Age at First Marriage in Namibia Lillian Pazvakawambwa, University of Namibia ; Lawrence Kazembe, University of Namibia ; Nelago Indongo, University of Namibia
Putting It Off: Family Breast Cancer History and Women’s Retirement Planning Cathleen Zick, University of Utah ; Robert Mayer, University of Utah
Life Paths of Migrants: A Sequence Analysis of Polish Labor Migrants' Family-Life Trajectories Tom Kleinepier, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) ; Helga A. G. de Valk, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) and Vrije Universiteit Brussel ; Ruben I. van Gaalen, Statistics Netherlands
Caring at Home: Stories of Adult, Elderly Women, and Migrant Caregivers Manuela Vaccari, Università degli Studi di Verona ; Rosanna Cima, Università degli Studi di Verona
Nonresident Father Involvement with Children and Divorced Women’s Likelihood of Remarriage Catherine McNamee, Pennsylvania State University ; Paul Amato, Pennsylvania State University
Does Intergenerational Transfer within Families Increase Inequality between Families? Sawako Shirahase, The University of Tokyo
Failures to Launch and Boomerang Kids: Contemporary Determinants of Leaving and Returning to the Parental Home Scott J. South, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY) ; Lei Lei, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY)
Demographic Opportunity and Mate Selection in India Scott J. South, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY) ; Katherine Trent, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY) ; Sunita Bose, State University of New York at New Paltz (SUNY)
Does the Hajnal Line Persist in the 21st Century? Chris Tencza, University of Pennsylvania ; Thomas Anderson, University of Pennsylvania
Marrying Minorities for More Children: One-Child Policy and Cross-Ethnic Marriage in China Yi Zhou, University of California, Berkeley ; Wei Huang, Harvard University
The Impact of Demographic Change on Intergenerational Transfers in the Form of Bequests Brittney Wagner, Queens College, City University of New York (CUNY)
White Picket Fences: Housing Markets and the Living Arrangements of the Millennial Generation Jonathan Vespa, U.S. Census Bureau ; Charlynn Burd, U.S. Census Bureau
Source-Country Gender Roles and the Division of Labor within Immigrant Families Kristyn Frank, Statistics Canada ; Feng Hou, Statistics Canada
Social and Cultural Determinants of the Self-Assessed Health of Indigenous Australians Monica Howlett, University of California, Berkeley
Stepping Stones and Steady States: Cohabitation and Marriage among Single Mothers Angela Bruns, University of Washington
Taking the Negative with the Positive: Examining the Association between Parent or Child Status Transitions and Parental Ambivalence toward Children Anna M. Hammersmith, Bowling Green State University
Money Pooling and Decision Making in the Household Dana Hamplova, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic ; Celine Le Bourdais, McGill University ; Evelyne Lapierre-Adamcyk, Université de Montréal
Forecasting Fertility Rates: A Functional Principal Components Approach Alessandra Carioli, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) and University of Groningen ; Leo van Wissen, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) and University of Groningen
Regional Childcare Availability and Individual Reproductive Behavior: A Multilevel Analysis of Second Births in Japan Kenji Kamata, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan
Child Gender Preferences: A Robust Tale of Danish Parents Sander Wagner, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Who Visits Whom? Hosting and Visiting Reciprocity among Parents and Their Adult Children Ori Rubin, University of Groningen ; Clara H. Mulder, University of Groningen
Transnational Marriage: An Economic Strategy for Poor Families Tran Quang Lam, Management Sciences for Health, Vietnam
Remarriage in Japan: A First Look James Raymo, University of Wisconsin-Madison ; Miho Iwasawa, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Tokyo
Ethnic Differences in Pathways Out of the Parental Home: Second Generation Migrants in the U.K. Ann M. Berrington, University of Southampton ; Peter Tammes, University of Southampton
Examining Union Stability in Context: A Meditation and Moderation Approach Elizabeth F. Karberg, University of Maryland ; Natasha Cabrera, University of Maryland
Economic Uncertainty and Fertility: Insights from Japan James Raymo, University of Wisconsin-Madison ; Akihisa Shibata, Kyoto University
Financial Transfers from Adult Children to Elderly Parents in China: Comparing Altruism with Exchange Models of Intergenerational Relations Melanie S. Brasher, Dickinson College
How Do Mothers with Disabilities Thrive as Parents and Homemakers? A Comparison to Mothers without Disabilities Using the American Time Use Survey Dennis Hogan, Brown University ; Carrie E. Spearin, Brown University ; Carrie L. Shandra, Stony Brook University, State University of New York (SUNY)
Trends in Intergenerational Coresidence in Developing Countries: 1970-2010 Sheela Kennedy, University of Minnesota ; Steven Ruggles, University of Minnesota
Personality Traits and Living Apart Together (LAT) Maja Djundeva, University of Groningen
Where Are the Excessive Men? Multi-Dimension of Social Stratification in China’s Domestic Marriage Market Yingchun Ji, National University of Singapore ; Feinian Chen, University of Maryland ; Gavin W. Jones, National University of Singapore
Educational Attainment and Timing of First Marriage in Canada: A Test of Competing Explanations Laura Wright, University of Western Ontario
Looking at Conditional Cash Transfers as Solutions to Early Marriage: An Analysis from Evaluation Survey in North India Priya Nanda, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) ; Nitin Datta, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) ; Priya Das, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) ; Anurag Mishra, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) ; Pranita Achyut, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) ; Rachna Patel, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
Parent’s Long-Term Care Needs and the Economic Status of Adult Children Kanika Arora, Syracuse University
Does Waiting Pay Off? The Effect of Partnership Duration Prior to Household Formation on Union Stability Christine Schnor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Women’s Household Income Contributions and Higher-Order Births in the United States Alison Gemmill, University of California, Berkeley ; Margarita Chudnovskaya, Stockholm University ; Peter Hepburn, University of California, Berkeley
Does the Effect of Parental Breakup on Children’s Education Depend on the Divorce Rate? Martin Kreidl, Masaryk University ; Martina Štípková, University of West Bohemia ; Barbora Hubatková, Masaryk University ; Ladislav Rabusic, Masaryk University
Does Family Matter? The Influence of Family Type and Living Arrangements on Recent Immigrants' Satisfaction with Life in Canada Claudia Masferrer, McGill University
Sending a Child to College in India: The Influence of Social Capital Reeve Vanneman, University of Maryland
Life Satisfaction of the Cross-Border Marriage Migrants in South Korea: Exploring the Social Network Effects Sojin Yu, University of Maryland
Regional and Social Contrasts of Non-Marital Cohabitation in Colombia Anny Carolina Saavedra Morales, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Incarceration and Variation in Parenting Behaviors among Fathers in Fragile Families Jerrett Jones, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Religion and the Rainbow Struggle: Does Religion Factor into Attitudes toward Homosexuality and Same-Sex Civil Unions in Brazil? Ana Paula Verona, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) ; Curtis Ogland, University of Texas at San Antonio
Living Arrangements in Europe: Whether and Why Paternal Retirement Matters Luca Stella, Università di Padova
Son Preference or Son Pressure? Narratives of Fertility Decisions from Chinese Female Migrants Felicia Feng Tian, Fudan University ; Danielle Kane, DePauw University ; Ke Liang, Baruch College, City University of New York (CUNY)
Long-Term and Short-Term Economic Resources and Marriage Formation: An Insight into Black-White Differences in Marriage Formation among Cohabitors Janet Kuo, University of Texas at Austin
Educational Assortative Mating among New Immigrants to the United States Veena S. Kulkarni, Arkansas State University
Family Status and Low Birth Weight Risk: Trends and Changes over Time Jitka Rychtarikova, Charles University in Prague
Playing Catch-up: Partnered Women's Housework on Weekends versus Weekdays Sanjiv Gupta, University of Massachusetts at Amherst ; Liana C. Sayer, University of Maryland
Child Marriage and HIV/AIDS Risk Factors in Nigeria Adenike Onagoruwa, Tulane University
What Drives Intergenerational Coresidence in India? Esha Chatterjee, University of Maryland ; Fran Goldscheider, University of Maryland and Brown University
Gender Differences in Perceptions and Meanings of Time Use and Health Outcomes Wendy Wang, Pew Research Center ; Liana C. Sayer, University of Maryland
New Estimates of the “Sandwich Generation” in the 2013 Panel Study of Income Dynamics Esther M. Friedman, RAND Corporation
Pregnancies without Partnership: Evidence of Prenatal and Neonatal Health Effects Cynthia A. Osborne, University of Texas at Austin ; Robert Brill, University of Texas at Austin
Is the Marriage Advantage in Birth Outcomes a Race-Specific Phenomenon? Jennifer Buher Kane, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Christina M. Gibson-Davis, Duke University
Analyzing the Sandwich Generation: An Application of SOCSIM for the Brazilian Context Everton E. C. Lima, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) ; Maria C. Tomas, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais
Changing Dynamics of Repartnering after Divorce and Separation in Europe and in the United States Paulina Galezewska, University of Southampton ; Ann M. Berrington, University of Southampton
How Does the Personal Become Political? Assessing the Impact of Mothers’ Labor Force Participation on Daughters’ and Sons’ Political Skills and Behavior Monica Caudillo, New York University (NYU)
Gender Differences in Young Adults’ Participation in Choosing Their Spouse within Marriage in Nepal Inku Subedi, Brown University
Family Structure and Role Transitions: Implications for the Psychological Well-Being of Filipino Women in Middle and Later Years Feinian Chen, University of Maryland ; Luoman Bao, University of Maryland ; Rachel Shattuck, University of Maryland ; Judith B. Borja, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Socorro A. Gultiano, University of San Carlos
Infidelity, Union Dissolution, and Mental Health among Young Adults in the United States Michelle Frisco, Pennsylvania State University ; Derek Kreager, Pennsylvania State University ; Marin Wenger, Pennsylvania State University
Intergenerational Transfers during the Great Recession: The Relationship between Marital Status and the Familial Safety Net Megan M. Way, Babson College
Social Context and the Stability of Same-Sex and Different-Sex Relationships Kara Joyner, Bowling Green State University ; Ryan Bogle, Bowling Green State University
Is Co-Residence with Mother-in-Law Affecting Marital Relationship Quality in Semi Urban Assiut, Egypt? Ghada S. T. Al-Attar, Assiut University ; Omaima El Gibaly, Assiut University
Marriage Selectivity and Stepfamily Formation Gabriela Sanchez-Soto, University of Texas at San Antonio ; Jeannie Hahl, University of Texas at San Antonio
For Better or for Worse: The Effects of Nonstandard Work Schedules on Self-Reported Health across Marital Status Shannon Brenneman, Michigan State University
When Gender Trumps Everything: The Division of Parent Care among Siblings Angelina Grigoryeva, Princeton University
Gender Imbalance and Parental Health-Compromising Behavior in Rural China Xi Chen, Yale University
Nonmarket Productivity among Working-Age Disability Beneficiaries: Results from the American Time Use Survey Carrie L. Shandra, Stony Brook University, State University of New York (SUNY)
Intergenerational Altruistic Links: A Model of Family Coresidence Melanie A. Zilora, Carnegie Mellon University