Saturday, May 3 / 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM   •   Salons A-B

Session 190:
From ICPD to Post-2015: Priorities for a New Global Development Agenda

Chair: Ann E. Biddlecom, United Nations Population Division

  1. Highlights of World Demographic Trends since CairoJohn R. Wilmoth, United Nations Population Division

  2. ICPD beyond 2014: Key Actions Highlighted in the Global Review ReportBruce Campbell, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

  3. Invited ReflectionJean-François Kobiané, Université de Ouagadougou

  4. Invited ReflectionLori M. Hunter, University of Colorado at Boulder

  5. Invited ReflectionJohn Hobcraft, University of York

Other sessions on Population, Development, and the Environment