Thursday, May 1 / 2:45 PM - 4:15 PM   •   Tremont

Session 68:
Older Populations in the Americas: Determinants of Healthy Aging

Chair: Eileen Crimmins, University of Southern California
Discussant: Mark E. McGovern, Harvard University

  1. The Effects of a Restless Night on Experienced Well-Being after Age 50: Does Marriage Matter?Jacqui Smith, University of Michigan ; Lindsay Ryan, University of Michigan ; Sandra Becker, University of Michigan ; Tara Queen, University of Michigan ; Richard Gonzalez, University of Michigan

  2. Aging in the Americas: A Cross-National Comparison of Health Transitions and Disability-Free Life Expectancy among Adults Age 65 and Older in the United States, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Puerto RicoCollin F. Payne, University of Pennsylvania

  3. Religious Belief, Religiosity and Mental Health in Context: An Analysis of Older Adult Depressive Symptoms across Latin America and the CaribbeanKim Korinek, University of Utah ; Nekehia T. Quashie, University of Utah ; Ha N. Trinh, University of Utah

  4. Social Inequality and Cognitive Ability in Older Mexican AdultsCarlos Díaz-Venegas, University of Texas at Galveston ; Rafael Samper-Ternent, University of Texas at Galveston ; Alejandra Michaels-Obregon, University of Texas at Galveston

Other sessions on Population and Aging