Friday, May 2 / 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM   •   Maine

Session 129:
Mortality Trends and Differentials II

Chair: Eric N. Reither, Utah State University
Discussant: Flavia Andrade, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  1. Sibling Composition and Child Mortality in South Asia: Assessing Trends beyond Male-Female DichotomyPrashant Kumar Singh, Institute for Human Development

  2. Illegal Drug Use, Crime, and Population Health in Post-Socialist Russia, 2001-2008Saglar Bougdaeva, Abu Dhabi Education Council ; Iliana V. Kohler, University of Pennsylvania

  3. Have New York City's Public Health Initiatives Reduced Mortality? Comparing Period-Based Variation in NYC and U.S. Mortality Rates, 1990-2009Ryan K. Masters, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Stephane Helleringer, Columbia University ; Peter Muennig, Columbia University

  4. Gender Differences in Infant and Child Mortality: Estimation of Sex-Specific Mortality and an Assessment of Excess Female DeathsLeontine Alkema, National University of Singapore ; Fengqing Chao, National University of Singapore ; Cheryl C. Sawyer, United Nations

Other sessions on Health and Mortality