Friday, May 2 / 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM   •   Salons J-K

Session 136:
Health Insurance, Health Care Use, and Health

Discussant: Christopher L. Seplaki, University of Rochester
Chair: John Mullahy, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  1. A Subsidized National Health Insurance Scheme: The Experience of GhanaT. Paul Schultz, Yale University

  2. Health Insurance and the Aging: Evidence from the Seguro Popular Program in MexicoSusan Parker, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) ; Rebeca Wong, University of Texas at Galveston

  3. Evaluating the Impact of China's Rural Insurance Scheme on Health Using BiomarkersKatherine Donato, Harvard University ; Slawa Rokicki, Harvard University

  4. The Impact of Social Health Insurance on Diabetes Outcomes in Older Adults: An Instrumental Variables Repeated Cross Section Evaluation in MexicoMaricruz Rivera-Hernandez, Brown University ; Vincent Mor, Brown University ; Omar Galarraga, Brown University

Other sessions on Health and Mortality