Friday, May 2 / 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM   •   New Hampshire

Session 111:
Mortality Trends and Differentials I

Discussant: Rebecca Utz, University of Utah
Chair: Eric N. Reither, Utah State University

  1. Explaining Inequalities in Women's Mortality among U.S. StatesJennifer Karas Montez, Case Western Reserve University ; Mark D. Hayward, University of Texas at Austin

  2. Why Is There Greater Variance in the Life Spans of Blacks than of Whites in the United States?Glenn Firebaugh, Pennsylvania State University ; Francesco Acciai, Pennsylvania State University ; Aggie J. Noah, Pennsylvania State University ; Chris Prather, Pennsylvania State University ; Claudia L. Nau, Johns Hopkins University

  3. Military Career Outcome and Lifespan of Six Classes of Annapolis and West Point Graduates: Causation and Selection EffectsUlrich O. Mueller, University of Marburg ; Allan Mazur, Syracuse University ; Andrea Werdecker, University of Marburg ; Ronny Westerman, University of Marburg

  4. Excess Mortality Attributable to Low Levels of Education in the United StatesPatrick M. Krueger, University of Colorado at Denver ; Melanie Tran, University of Colorado at Denver ; Virginia W. Chang, New York University (NYU)

Other sessions on Health and Mortality