Thursday, May 1 / 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM   •   Harvard

Session 37:
Demography and Ethno-Racial Inequality I

Discussant: C. Matthew Snipp, Stanford University
Chair: Gniesha Dinwiddie, University of Maryland

  1. Contours and Consequences of Black First Names in the Historical United StatesJoshua R. Goldstein, University of California, Berkeley ; Guy Stecklov, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  2. The Historical Demography of Racial SegregationAngelina Grigoryeva, Princeton University ; Martin Ruef, Duke University

  3. Occasionally American Indian: Joining, Leaving, and Staying in the American Indian/Alaska Native Race Category between 2000 and 2010Carolyn A. Liebler, University of Minnesota ; Renuka Bhaskar, U.S. Census Bureau

  4. Redrawing the “Color Line”: Examining Racial Homophily of Associative Networks in Social MediaHedwig Lee, University of Washington ; Nina Cesare, University of Washington ; Tyler McCormick, University of Washington ; Julia Morris, University of Washington ; Ali Shojaie, University of Washington

Other sessions on Gender, Race, and Ethnicity