Saturday, May 3 / 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM   •   Salons A-B

Session 171:
Contraceptive Use

Discussant: James Trussell, Princeton University
Chair: Caroline Moreau, Johns Hopkins University and Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)

  1. Longitudinal Patterns of Consistent Contraceptive Use: Preliminary Findings from the Continuity and Change in Contraceptive Use StudyRachel K. Jones, Guttmacher Institute ; Laura Lindberg, Guttmacher Institute ; Jennifer J. Frost, Guttmacher Institute ; Athena A. Tapales, Independent Consultant

  2. Markov Analysis of Contraceptive Use Behavior: Implications for the Family Planning Program in IndiaDeepali Godha, Independent Conultant

  3. Contraceptive Supply, Use, and Unintended Pregnancy in the Aftermath of a DisasterJenna Nobles, University of Wisconsin-Madison ; Elizabeth Frankenberg, Duke University ; Duncan Thomas, Duke University

  4. Unmet Demand for Highly Effective Postpartum Contraception in Two Cities in TexasJoseph E. Potter, University of Texas at Austin ; Kristine Hopkins, University of Texas at Austin ; Abigail R. A. Aiken, University of Texas at Austin ; Celia Hubert, University of Texas at Austin ; Daniel Grossman, Ibis Reproductive Health

Other sessions on Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health