Session 219:
Economic Circumstances, Child Health, and Well-Being
Discussant: Shannon E. Cavanagh, University of Texas at Austin
Chair: Stefanie F. Mollborn, University of Colorado at Boulder
Is Socioeconomic Incorporation Associated with a Healthier Diet? Dietary Patterns among Mexican-American Children Jennifer Van Hook, Pennsylvania State University ; Molly A. Martin, Pennsylvania State University ; Susana Sanchez, Pennsylvania State University
Early Exposure to Environmental Chaos and Children’s Physical and Mental Health Rebekah Levine Coley, Boston College ; Alicia Doyle Lynch, Boston College ; Melissa Kull, Boston College
Does Rapid Economic Development Translate into Improved Nutritional Status for Children? Data from Ibo Island, Mozambique Sara Lopus, University of California, Berkeley
The Effects of Migration and Household Wealth on Child Health Outcomes in the Context of Rapid Urbanization: The Case of Phnom Penh, Cambodia Emily Treleaven, University of California, San Francisco ; Zachary Zimmer, University of California, San Francisco
Other sessions on Children and Youth