Friday, May 2 / 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM   •   Suffolk

Session 142:
Contextual and Network Influences on Educational Outcomes

Discussant: Alexandra Killewald, Harvard University
Chair: Xi Song, University of California, Los Angeles

  1. The Long-Run Impact of Immigrant Classmates on Educational Outcomes in Egalitarian NorwayAre Skeie Hermansen, University of Oslo ; Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund, University of Oslo

  2. Contextual Effects on Educational Attainment in Individualized Neighborhoods; Differences across Gender and Social ClassEva K. Andersson, Stockholm University ; Bo Malmberg, Stockholm University

  3. The Role of Place in Selective College AdmissionsKerstin Gentsch, Princeton University

  4. Social Networks and College ChoiceSean C. Lewis-Faupel, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Other sessions on Economy, Labor Force, Education, and Inequality