Session 71:
SES, Health, and Mortality
Chair: Robert A. Hummer, University of Texas at Austin
Discussant: Tetyana Pudrovska, Pennsylvania State University
Children's Resources and Parents' Survival: The Value of Education, Occupation, Income, and Geographic Proximity Jenny Torssander, Swedish Institute for Social Research
The Socioeconomic Status of Offspring, Their Social Mobility, and the Mortality of Their Parents: An Examination of Extinct Cohorts Zachary Zimmer, University of California, San Francisco ; Ken R. Smith, University of Utah
Early-Life Trajectories of Socioeconomic Disadvantage, Genetic Risk, and Adult Blood Pressure Kristen M. Schorpp, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Michael J. Shanahan, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Children's Educational Attainment, Occupation, and Income and Their Parents' Mortality Irma T. Elo, University of Pennsylvania ; Pekka Martikainen, University of Helsinki ; Mikko Aaltonen, National Research Institute of Legal Policy
Other sessions on Health and Mortality