Session 110:
AIDS in the Era of ART
Chair: Sara Yeatman, University of Colorado at Denver
Discussant: Jenny Trinitapoli, Pennsylvania State University
Can Antiretroviral Therapy at Scale Improve the Health of the Targeted in Sub-Saharan Africa? Nicholas Wilson, Reed College
Corruption and the Effectiveness of Imported Antiretroviral Drugs in Averting HIV Deaths Willa Friedman, Center for Global Development (CGD)
HIV Treatment and Economic Outcomes in Malawi Jeremy Barofsky, University of Southern California ; Neeraj Sood, University of Southern California ; Zachary Wagner, University of Southern California
HIV after 40 in Rural South Africa: Routes of HIV Acquisition and Transmission among Middle Aged and Older Adults Sanyu A. Mojola, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Jill Williams, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Nicole Angotti, University of Colorado at Boulder
Other sessions on Health and Mortality