Is Co-Residence with Mother-in-Law Affecting Marital Relationship Quality in Semi Urban Assiut, Egypt?
Ghada S. T. Al-Attar, Assiut University
Omaima El Gibaly, Assiut University
Background: Co-residence with mother-in-law may have an effect on their daughter-in-law marital relationship quality. Methodology: 2 rounds longitudinal surveys of women residing in Waledeya, Assiut, Egypt were conducted in 2010 (N=548), and 2012 (N= 445). Currently married women aged 16 – 49 years old who had a living mother-in-law either co-residing or not were included. Finite mixture models were used in analysis. Dependent variables were trust and satisfaction scales in round 2. Results: Mean trust scale and satisfaction scales were decreased with a mean difference -0.3 and -0.8 respectively. Co-residence with mother-in-law at the same apartment increased marital trust and satisfaction. However, marital duration and perceived bad impact of in-laws on daughter-in-law work load decreased marital trust and marital satisfaction. Wife work decreased marital satisfaction but didn’t affect marital trust. Conclusion: Marital trust and satisfaction decreased by marital duration. Co-residing with mother-in-law was significantly associated with marital trust and satisfaction.
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Presented in Poster Session 1: Marriage, Unions, Families and Households