Changing Dynamics of Repartnering after Divorce and Separation in Europe and in the United States
Paulina Galezewska, University of Southampton
Ann M. Berrington, University of Southampton
This study investigates cross-national differences in re-partnering patterns in contemporary Europe and in the United States. We provide a description of the state of repartnering dynamics, i.e. the level, pace and type (cohabitation or marriage) of second unions across countries and cohorts. Our analyses use the “Harmonized Histories”, which contains cleaned and harmonized partnership histories collected from individuals in 14 European countries and in the United States. We apply cumulative percentages and life table estimates. Our results show significant cross-national differences in the level of repartnering across cohorts. However, in all studied countries and across cohorts, second partnerships start predominantly with cohabitation. Furthermore, the pace of repartnering has significantly increased across cohort. Previously cohabiting women whose first union dissolved are likely to form a second union at a faster pace than their divorced counterparts. The differences in repartnering behaviour by first union status are rarely significant, however.
See paper
Presented in Poster Session 1: Marriage, Unions, Families and Households