Family Structure and Role Transitions: Implications for the Psychological Well-Being of Filipino Women in Middle and Later Years

Feinian Chen, University of Maryland
Luoman Bao, University of Maryland
Rachel Shattuck, University of Maryland
Judith B. Borja, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Socorro A. Gultiano, University of San Carlos

Even in countries where extended family living is prevalent, individuals typically do not stay in one living arrangement, but rather experience multiple transitions in family structures throughout their life time. Such changes could reflect a dramatic reconfiguration of family relationships, which could consequently affect individual well-being. We take a life course perspective and examine the impact of transitions in family structure and family roles on women’s psychological well-being. We use data from a mother and child cohort study of the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Study (CLHNS, 1983-2012) in the Philippines. We hypothesize that the extended family household is not inherently beneficial or detrimental to women’s mental health. The effect of transition in and out of an extended household could depend on the normative context, the family role one occupies at a particular point in life, as well as its associated power status and family responsibilities.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 1: Marriage, Unions, Families and Households