Climate Change, Food Security, and Child Nutrition in India: Vulnerability and Resilience to Short-Term Climate Variability
Kiersten Johnson, ICF International
Molly Brown, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
This study will describe population sensitivities to climate variability and adaptive capacities in India using nationally-representative household data. It will also empirically test the associations between climate-related stressors and outcomes of interest: linking household data to geo-referenced climate and agricultural productivity data, as well as satellite remote sensing on land cover (Vegetation Continuous Fields), we will examine the impact of climate variation on agricultural production, child nutrition and household economic outcomes. Included in the analysis will be an examination of the role that access to forest resources may play in mitigating the outcomes of interest. This study will use data from two geo-referenced waves of the India Human Development Survey (IHDS 2005 and 2012) to describe household-level sensitivities to climate change and adaptive capacities, and change over time in these indicators.
Presented in Session 4: Population and Environment I