White-Latino Segregation in New Destinations: Trends for Metropolitan, Micropolitan, and Non-Micropolitan Areas, 1990-2010

Mark Fossett, Texas A&M University
Amber Fox, Texas A&M University
Rogelio Saenz, University of Texas at San Antonio
Wenquan Zhang, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

We examine trends and patterns in White-Latino residential segregation over the period– 1990, 2000, and 2010 – giving particular attention to contrasts between areas of established Latino settlement and new Latino destinations and tracking trends segregation separately for metropolitan areas, micropolitan areas, and non-micropolitan counties. We extend previous research by: documenting patterns though 2010, covering the full nation, tracking segregation using multiple indices, and implementing refined strategies for addressing challenges associated with measuring White-Latino segregation in new destinations. We establish two key findings. First, uneven distribution for White-Latino segregation in new destinations differs from familiar patterns in established areas; it does not involve substantial group separation and neighborhood polarization. Second, levels and trends in White-Latino segregation vary markedly depending on whether the index used is sensitive to group residential separation. We review the relevant issues to explain how trends and patterns in White-Latino segregation involve complexities not previously recognized.

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Presented in Session 193: New Directions in the Study of Neighborhoods and Residential Segregation