A Special Methodology Using a Border Crossing Database for the Estimation of International Migration Flows
Anne Herm, Tallinn University
International migration is growingly important and data are needed for the related policies but not easily available because weak incentives for reporting migrations. In countries, where all border crossings are recorded in a centralised electronic database, international migrations can be identified. A methodology has been initiated for countries having a centralised database of border crossings. Methodology consists of: building up border crossing histories of every individual, and identifying entry-exit pairs to be defined as international migration events. For border crossing histories personal identification code, or combination of date of birth, sex, place of birth etc. are used. Migration is identified based on cumulative duration of stay. This methodology can be used for identification different categories of migrants, including circular migrants, and is particularly useful for estimating emigration of nationals. The methodology is developed on the example of data of Lebanon, Moldova and Seychelles.
Presented in Poster Session 9: Children and Youth; Data and Methods