Hunting Shadows of Contraceptives Side Effects and Sexual Negotiation Tensions among Women at Risk for Unintended Pregnancy in Southwest Nigeria

Ojo M. Agunbiade, Obafemi Awolowo University and University of the Witwatersrand
Clementina Osezua, Obafemi Awolowo University

This paper explores the views of women at risk for unplanned pregnancy (current contraceptives, preferred choices) and approaches sexual negotiation with their husbands.We conducted 4 focus group discussions and 32 in-depth interviews with married women (35-40 years) in two Yoruba communities, Southwest Nigeria.We found high levels of fear and misconception about contraception. Many women expressed fears about the risks associated with contraceptive use based on misinformation from other women. Some women reported that their partners also had little knowledge about, and did not support them in their use of contraception. Sexual conversations and negotiations only took place when there were health challenges associated with contraceptive use. Thus, sexual negotiation was more likely to involve disguised bargaining, excuses or pleading. Some women who lacked interest in sex described their husband’s demand for sex as rape.To promote sexual health and avoid unintended pregnancy, women need a greater understanding about contraception use and associated risks.

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Presented in Session 1: Couple and Relationship Influences on Contraceptive Use