Trends in Neonatal Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa since 2000
Thomas W. Pullum, ICF International
Rebecca Winter, ICF International
There have been dramatic improvements in child mortality in many countries of sub-Saharan Africa since 2000. However, neonatal mortality has generally been declining less rapidly than infant and under-five mortality and now represents a larger share of the total. Strategies to reduce neonatal mortality have become an increasing priority. A recent DHS report, by the authors of this submission and co-authors, found that improvements in neonatal mortality in Rwanda, although relatively modest, could be traced primarily to expanded coverage of bednets and secondarily to expanded coverage of ante-natal care. This report will apply similar methods, including a multivariate decomposition, to help understand the components of change in other countries of sub-Saharan Africa that have conducted two surveys since 2000. We will attempt to relate changes in neonatal mortality to changes in the coverage and quality of services.
See paper
Presented in Session 2: Maternal, Infant, and Child Health and Mortality