Couple Agreement on Intendedness of Births: An Update and Extension Using the 2006-2010 National Survey of Family and Growth

Suzumi Yasutake, Johns Hopkins University

This research examines couples’ agreement on intendedness of births with the national representative survey of the 2006-2010 NSFG and compares this to an analysis of the 1988 NSFG. I used the pregnancy file and women’s file to examine the associations among birth intendedness, women’s characteristics and birth order. Among all births, 54% were jointly wanted and 25% were jointly unwanted by the 2006-2010 NSFG. Jointly wanted births decreased and jointly unwanted births increased compared to the 1988 NSFG survey. The births for which couples disagreed about intendedness also have increased. Births to teenage mothers and to women not in union are more likely to be jointly unintended compared to births to older mothers and to women in union. Considering the effects of joint intendedness on mothers and children, the increase in births that are not planned by both parents needs more attention.

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Presented in Session 69: Fertility Intentions: High and Low Fertility Countries