Multidimensional Poverty and Fertility Preferences among Women in India
Bidyadhar Dehury, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Spacing and limiting pregnancies has direct effect on health and well-being of the women. The unit level data of India Human Development Survey (IHDS) conducted in 2004-05 that covered more than 41,000 households in India is used. The multidimensional poverty is measured using Alkire-Foster method. A total of five dimensions; health, education, economic, work/employment and household environmental deprivation, and 10 indicators are used in estimating multidimensional poverty. The differentials in fertility preferences in terms of contraceptive use, desired any more additional child, ideal number of child among women is examined by the multidimensional poverty. The results show that the women who are multidimensional poor are less likely to use any contraception method for spacing or limiting their fertility. The multidimensional poor women also have high desire of having additional children. Along with other background characteristics of women, the multidimensional poverty has an important role on fertility preferences.
Presented in Poster Session 2: Fertility Intentions and Behavior