Assessing and Adjusting the 2000 Philippine Census Population Count
Grace Cruz Cruz, University of the Philippines
Christian Joy P. Cruz, University of the Philippines
Maria Midea M. Kabamalan, University of the Philippines
As input data in estimating the intercensal yearly school-going population, the 2000 and 2010 census were assessed. The cohort survival examination of the different age groups in these two censuses showed an increase in the population size of the less than 5 years old. While the population size for most of the age cohorts declined, it was observed that there is an erratic decline for some age groups and slight decline for the others. The aim of this paper is to adjust the 2000 census count by reverse-surviving the population 10-14 and by estimating the births using the age specific fertility rates from existing demographic survey data. Interpolation methods were applied to compute for the yearly total population and the population 5-19 by single years for 2001 to 2009. Using the adjusted population counts leads to a smoother and more acceptable intercensal estimate of school-going population.
Presented in Poster Session 9: Children and Youth; Data and Methods