Contraceptive Availability and Stock-Outs before and after the 2012 Coup in Bamako, Mali
Mai Do, Tulane University
Mamadou Kani Konate, MARIKANI S.A.R.L.
Julie Hernandez, Tulane University
This study aims to 1) describe the FP provision environment in Bamako (Mali) right before the coup in 2012 and one year after (2013), and 2) examine facility-level characteristics associated with contraceptive provision and stock-outs. Data from a 2012 baseline survey that included 409 FP facilities and an on-going follow-up survey were used to examine the number of modern contraceptives provided and stock-outs. The 2012 results indicate that contraceptive choice was available, but stock-outs were common. An increased number of contraceptives provided and a lower risk of stock-outs were found among facilities with a contraceptive reporting system. Stock-outs were associated with the number of staff trained in FP. We plan to conduct a similar analysis with the 2013 data and examine changes over time. Results will indicate changes in the FP service environment in Bamako before and after the coup, which have important implications for policy makers and contraceptive donors.
Presented in Poster Session 7: Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health