An Exploratory Spatial Study of Urban In-Migration and Dengue in Indonesia

Beatrice Abiero, Pennsylvania State University

Migration, urbanization, and climate change have important implications for health. This study explores spatially and temporally how sub national in-migration is related to urbanization, climate change, and dengue fever in Indonesia. Data includes 1980-2000 decennial census micro data. Five year urban in-migration rates, percent urban population, urban and population growth rates were all measured at the provincial level. Spatial data including population distribution, urban extents, low elevation coastal zones, and dengue occurrence were overlaid using geographic software. On average 4.0-to 8.0% of the population reported urban in-migration. The annual population growth rate ranged between 1.42-2.26% with the highest rate occurring from 1980-1990. Neighboring provinces were more likely to contribute more migrants compared to further provinces and dengue correlated positively with urbanization and low coastal elevation zones. This study offers a nuanced approach in by examining these factors both spatially and temporally.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 4: Migration and Urbanization; Population, Development and the Environment