Linkages between Fertility and Employment of Women in Turkey: Discrete Time Event History Analyses Using TDHS-2008
Ayse Abbasoglu-Ozgoren, Hacettepe University
The main aim of this study is to understand the complex inter-dependencies between childbearing and women’s employment in Turkey by using micro-level approach. The objective of this study is primarily to test the role incompatibility hypothesis in Turkey, and specifically to measure (i) the effect of employment on fertility, (ii) the effect of fertility on employment, and (iii) to investigate what differences exist as regards the linkages between fertility and employment of women belonging to different sub-groups. This study uses retrospective data from 2008 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey. The methodology employed is hazard modeling where discrete-time model is used, with a logistic model using a person-period data structure. The determinants of entering employment, exiting employment, and becoming pregnant are analyzed separately. Our preliminary findings indicate that marriage and kids motivate employed women to continue their employment, but discourage unemployed women to enter the labor market.
Presented in Poster Session 2: Fertility Intentions and Behavior