Labor Force Participation of Elderly in India

Bheemeshwar Reddy Amireddy, Indian Statistical Institute

Using data from different rounds of employment and unemployment surveys (EUS)of National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), we examine the changes in labor force participation of older persons in India from 1983 to 2012 and analyze how different socioeconomic and demographic factors are associated with labor force participation decision making at older age in India. The paper also reviews the conditions of work for the elderly in India. The results show that labor force participation rate of older persons in rural India remained almost stable between 1983 and 2012. Further, the results show that among the elderly those who belong to relatively poor socioeconomic status are more likely to participate in the labor force. Also it is observed that large percentage of the elderly workforce are engaged in poorly paid jobs in the informal sector, either as casual workers or as self-employed in low skilled or unskilled occupations.

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Presented in Session 118: Older Populations in International and Cross-Cultural Perspective