The Regional Concentration and Connectedness of Indonesia's Inter-Provincial Migration Flows, 1971-2010
Hasnani Rangkuti, Australian National University
Internal migration has become a prominent element in shaping population redistribution and capturing potential economic corridor in Indonesia. Studies on the regional concentration and connectedness mostly rely on the presence of natural resources in the areas and put little attention to the population movements. This study likes to fill that gap. The objective of this study is to measure the level of provincial concentration and structural patterns of inter-provincial migration in Indonesia. Five consecutive Indonesia population censuses data (1971 to 2010) is utilized in this study. Multiplicative component model and coefficient of variation (CV) employed to measure provincial connectedness and concentration across provinces. The findings reveal that after 2000, destinations choice of migrant are more concentrated to provinces in Kalimantan, such as Kalimantan Tengah and Kalimantan Timur. Distance matters in creating provincial connectedness, but other factors such as cultural and historical background contribute to the provincial connectedness.
Presented in Poster Session 4: Migration and Urbanization; Population, Development and the Environment