Permanent, Semi-Permanent, and Temporary: Determinants of Modern Contraceptive Method Preference in Nepal

Emily J. Wornell, Pennsylvania State University
Leif Jensen, Pennsylvania State University

Using data from the 2011 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey, this research fills a gap in the literature on contraceptive adoption by subdividing modern methods according to effectiveness and permanence. By tending to examine modern methods together, past research obscures important variability in the factors associated with use. Using logistic regression, the preliminary findings indicate that the analysis of modern method adoption is dominated by the most prevalent form of contraception in the country – permanent sterilization. When modern methods are looked at in terms of effectiveness and permanence, however, a significant amount of variability is revealed, particularly in regards to education and location.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 7: Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health