Factors Affecting Diarrheal Disease in Urban Poor Communities in Accra, Ghana: Investigating the Effects of Risk Perception Measures

Mumuni Abu, University of Ghana

Globally flooding is the most frequent natural disaster affecting over 2.5 billion people. The health impacts of flood have been examined without exploring risk perceptions people develop as a result of flood. This study assesses three measures of household risk of diarrhea as a result of flooding by assessing their socio-demographic and environmental risk characteristics. Using data from Ghana Meteorological Agency, Centre for Health Information Management and a cross-sectional survey, the paper employed logistic regression to examine the influence of household risk perception on flood-diarrheal disease nexus. Each risk perception measure was significantly associated with other measures (r = 0.48) and correlated with a measure of diarrheal disease concern (r = 0.47), but less correlated with household members being diagnosed of diarrhea (r = 0.23). Household risk perceptions are significant predictors of diarrheal disease. Programs aimed at addressing flood-related diarrhea in poor urban communities should target numeric and verbal measures.

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Presented in Poster Session 4: Migration and Urbanization; Population, Development and the Environment