Longitudinal Dynamics of Contraceptive Use in Rural Mozambique: The Role of Life Course Changes and Fertility Intentions

Sarah R. Hayford, Arizona State University

Associations between contraceptive use and age, parity, and marital status are often assumed to be mediated by changes in fertility intentions. However, this pathway is not always empirically tested. This paper will leverage longitudinal data collected over a five-year period in rural southern Mozambique to examine the role of age, parity, marital status, and fertility intentions in explaining changes in women’s use of modern contraception. In addition, we test for changes in the associations between fertility intentions and contraceptive use. Initial results show that women’s contraceptive use increases over time, but that this increase is largely accounted for by changes in life course factors and fertility intentions. The association between the desire to stop childbearing and contraceptive use weakens over time, contrary to our expectations. The completed paper will refine model specification and conduct a more detailed analysis of change in the relationship between fertility desires and contraceptive behavior.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 7: Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health