Consciousness of Women regarding Primary Infertility: An Indian Study

Kanchan Negi, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

In India a woman’s worth is measured by the yardstick of fertility, inability to conceive within a few months after marital alliance becomes a nagging worry. This paper includes 38,783 women from District Level Household and Facility Survey III, India. Cox proportional hazard model was used to study the differentials in the pace of realization of primary infertility and its determinants through successive marriage cohorts (1970-79 to 2000-06) using. An increment was witnessed in the pace of realization of primary infertility through successive marriage cohorts. There is strict need to identify infertility as a major health problem in national policy and recognizing the unmet need of infertile couples because even a small percentage of infertile women in India make it big in terms of number at a global level.

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Presented in Poster Session 7: Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health