Illustrating Links between Exposure to Pornographic Movies and Sexual Activity among Youth in Urban Poor Accra

Adriana A. Biney, University of Ghana
Philomena E. Nyarko, University of Ghana
Delali M. Badasu, University of Ghana

The global literature indicates exposure to pornography as a contributor to adolescent sexual activity. However, studies on adolescent sex among urban poor youth in sub-Saharan Africa have failed to explore this rising phenomenon. Therefore, this study examines the relationships between watching and enjoying pornographic movies and the pre-coital and coital experiences of urban poor youth in Accra. Findings from quantitative and qualitative analyses of RIPS' 2011 Urban Health and Poverty Project data suggest significant relationships between watching and enjoying pornographic movies and adolescents’ sexual activity. Studies conducted among US, Australian, Singaporean and Thai youth showed similar strong associations. Focus group discussion results reveal peer pressure, the internet, and adults in the community as promoters of their exposure to pornography, which in turn initiates them into sex early. In order to curb this phenomenon this subject requires more attention from researchers and adolescent sexual and reproductive health advocates in sub-Saharan Africa.

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Presented in Poster Session 9: Children and Youth; Data and Methods