Do Grandchildren Influence Retirement? The Presence of Grandchildren and the Geographical Distance between Grandparents and Grandchildren at Retirement Transition

Linda Kridahl, Stockholm University

In line with increased life expectancy and healthier aging, multigenerational ties have become increasingly important in lives of older individuals. In addition, longevity and the trend of early retirement suggest that most retirees will become grandparents. Decrease in childbearing during the last century has resulted in that grandparents tend to have fewer grandchildren making it possible for them to take a larger part in their grandchildren’s life. The relationship between young grandchildren and grandparents may be a potential factor that influences the retirement transition. The study uses Swedish register data to explore whether presence of young grandchildren can be associated with grandparents’ retirement timing. The study also explore whether the geographical distance between grandparents and grandchildren can be linked to retirement timing. The results will contribute to a deeper understanding of retirement behavior and the meaning of grandparenthood in the retirement transition in addition to labor market attachment.

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Presented in Session 113: Grandparents and Demographic Change