Learning from Others: The Role Social Networks on Child Care Knowledge and Practices among Mothers in Rural Odisha, India

Ranjan Kumar Prusty, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

The present study focuses role mother’s personal network on her health knowledge and care practices of under-five children using primary data collected 379 respondent of rural Odisha. Both quantitative and qualitative data collected will be used for the purpose of analysis. A summative knowledge index was developed using responses by mothers about different childhood illness and care practices. Results that the size of the network is directly associated with age, autonomy and children ever born of women. Better educated network members are more likely to speak about modern medicine methods whereas aged and uneducated members mostly advice them about traditional ritual and culture. The qualitative data shows that mother-in-laws are the most influential persons for traditional rituals and herbal medicines. In each village, there are at least two persons other than health personals who help and advice for treatments.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 9: Children and Youth; Data and Methods