Mexican Adolescents in a Family Migration System: Movers, Stayers, and Those Left Behind
Yeris Mayol-Garcia, Pennsylvania State University
Nancy S. Landale, Pennsylvania State University
Scholars increasingly recognize the profound impact of international migration on Mexican-origin children’s lives, but research has not fully described the complex intersection between migration, family circumstances and youth activities from a binational perspective. Using 2009-2011 American Community Survey and 2010 Mexico Census data, we provide new information on the distribution of Mexican-origin adolescents by household migration experience (defined by parental and child nativity and previous country of residence). Analyses of adolescents’ school enrollment and employment status reveal striking differences by household migration patterns and country of residence. Mexican youth in the United States are more likely to be exclusively in school than are youth in Mexico (89.3% vs. 62.6%). In Mexico, household migration experience increases the likelihood of combining school and work, working only, or being idle versus being in school. The findings are evaluated in terms of prior research on the implications of household migration for Mexican-origin adolescents.
Presented in Poster Session 9: Children and Youth; Data and Methods