Low Fertility Intentions in Tehran, Iran: The Role of Attitudes, Norms, and Perceived Behavioral Control

Amir Erfani, Nipissing University

Informed by the Theory of Planned Behavior, this study examines the hypothesis that background factors (e.g., parity) are external factors influencing fertility intentions largely through attitudes to childbearing, perceived norms (social pressures for having a child), and perceived behavioral control ( whether a person is able to have a/another child). Using from the 2012 Tehran Survey of Fertility Intentions, conducted among 2,267 married women and men under the age of 36, this study found that individuals viewing childbearing detrimental to their life, felt less pressures for having a child, and perceived a greater control over resources, required for childbearing, were more likely to want no (more) children or to be unsure rather than to want a/another child. Attitudes and norms had a greater effect on the intention to have a first child, whereas the intention to a second child was largely influenced by attitudes and perceived behavioral control.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Session 69: Fertility Intentions: High and Low Fertility Countries