Prevalence and Correlates of Disability in Older Ugandans: Evidence from a National Household Survey
Stephen Ojiambo Wandera, Makerere University
Isabella Aboderin, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
James Ntozi, Makerere University
Betty Kwagala, Makerere University
Studies using nationally representative samples to estimate prevalence and correlates of disability among older people in Uganda are limited. This study aimed at estimating prevalence and correlates of disability among older people in Uganda. A sample of 2,382 older people from the Uganda National Household survey (UNHS) data was used. Frequency distributions, chi-square tests and logistic regression were used. A third (33%) of the older population was disabled (PWDs). Disability was associated with advanced age, separated or divorced status, living alone, household poverty, households’ dependence on remittances and existing co-morbidities or NCDs. Social inequalities in disability status exist among older people in Uganda. NCDs were critical predisposing factors for disability. Interventions to improve health and well-being of older people across the life-course, should address social inequalities, prevent and manage NCDs in older people in Uganda.
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Presented in Session 211: Aging and Health in Developing Countries