Childbearing Intentions and Economic Uncertainty in Contemporary Europe
Susanne Fahlén, Stockholm University
Livia Olah, Stockholm University
This paper examines the interplay between societal economic conditions, individual economic uncertainty and short-term childbearing intentions in ten European countries representing different institutional contexts and fertility regimes. Using data from the European Social Survey (2004 and 2010), we study i) aggregated short-term childbearing intentions of childless men and women, and of one-child parents in relation to changes in unemployment, employment protection and work-family reconciliation policies and ii) the micro-level association between childbearing intentions and perceived economic uncertainty. Our results indicate that changes in the economic conditions in the society and in work-family reconciliation policies influence people’s short-term childbearing intentions across welfare states, but the effects vary by gender and parity. The micro-level analysis indicates that job security is more important than income security for women's fertility plans. For men, regardless of parity, income security is more important than job security.
See paper
Presented in Session 69: Fertility Intentions: High and Low Fertility Countries