Poster Session 9:
Children and Youth; Data and Methods
Building Dreams: The Role of Family in Promoting the Educational Expectations and Achievement of Latino Immigrant Youth Lisa Spees, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Krista Perreira, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Andrew Fuligni, University of California, Los Angeles
Head Start Effects beyond the Classroom: Parent Involvement Promotes Children’s School Readiness by Changing Parenting Arya Ansari, University of Texas at Austin ; Elizabeth Gershoff, University of Texas at Austin
Explaining Well-Being over the Life Cycle: A Look at Life Transitions during Young Adulthood Malgorzata Switek, University of Southern California
Estimating the Net Undercount of Young Children in the 2010 U.S. Decennial Census at the County Level William O'Hare, Independent Consultant
Unemployment and Child Support Compliance through the Great Recession Elia De la Cruz Toledo, Columbia University ; Ronald B. Mincy, Columbia University
Copulas and Competing Risks: Applications for Long-Term Mixture Survival Models Ronny Westerman, University of Marburg ; Andrea Werdecker, University of Marburg ; Ulrich O. Mueller, University of Marburg
Experimental Tests of Efforts to Improve Child Support Collections in Washington State Robert D. Plotnick, University of Washington ; Asaph Glosser, MEF Associates ; Kathleen Moore, University of Washington ; Shannon Harper, University of Washington ; Emmi Obara, MEF Associates
Mexican Adolescents in a Family Migration System: Movers, Stayers, and Those Left Behind Yeris Mayol-Garcia, Pennsylvania State University ; Nancy S. Landale, Pennsylvania State University
Learning from Others: The Role Social Networks on Child Care Knowledge and Practices among Mothers in Rural Odisha, India Ranjan Kumar Prusty, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
An Evaluation of Use of Maternal Recalled Birth Size as a Proxy Measure of Birth Weight M. Mazharul Islam, Sultan Qaboos University
Subjective Adult Identity and Casual Sexual Behavior Heidi Lyons, Oakland University
Premarital Life Plans during the Transition to Adulthood in the United States Raquel Zanatta Coutinho, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
TANF Coverage, State Policies, and Children's Well-Being Julia Shu-Huah Wang, Columbia University
Sibling Similarity in Family Formation Anette E. Fasang, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin ; Marcel Raab, WZB Berlin Social Science Center ; Aleksi Karhula, University of Turku ; Jani Erola, University of Turku
The Transformation of U.S. High School Seniors’ Life Goals, 1976-2010: Social Origins, Global Consciousness, and Cohort Effects Jasmine Trang Ha, University of Minnesota ; Phyllis Moen, University of Minnesota ; Teresa Swartz, University of Minnesota
Does Maternal Acculturation Matter? School Readiness among Young Children of Asian and Hispanic Immigrant Mothers RaeHyuck Lee, Columbia University
Illustrating Links between Exposure to Pornographic Movies and Sexual Activity among Youth in Urban Poor Accra Adriana A. Biney, University of Ghana ; Philomena E. Nyarko, University of Ghana ; Delali M. Badasu, University of Ghana
Time versus Money: What Contributes to Children and Nonresident Fathers’ Perceptions of Closeness? Allison Dwyer, Cornell University ; Elise Paul, Cornell University ; Maureen Waller, Cornell University
How Girls Fare under Different Regimes of Sex Preference for Children Vida Maralani, Yale University ; Candas Pinar, Yale University
Bayesian Probabilistic Projection of International Migration Rates Jonathan J. Azose, University of Washington
Does Adolescent Age Moderate the Effects of Mothers and Fathers on Young Adults’ Romantic Relationships? Miriam R. Linver, Montclair State University ; Constance T. Gager, Montclair State University
The Receipt of Subsidized Housing across Generations Yana Kucheva, Stanford University
Using Big Data to Supplement Official Statistics Orlando Torres, Florida State University
Who Benefits Most from Shadow Education? The Heterogeneous Effects of SAT Preparation Activities on SAT Scores Yool Choi, University of California, Los Angeles
A Spatial Analysis of Recent Fertility Patterns in Spain Alessandra Carioli, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) and University of Groningen ; Daniel Devolder, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Joaquin Recaño Valverde, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
The Social Gradients of Autism Spectrum Disorders in England Alexander Upfill-Brown, University of Oxford ; Tak Wing Chan, University of Oxford
Enduring Stigma? Obesity Histories and Romantic Relationship Involvement in the Transition to Adulthood Hilary M. Dotson, University of South Florida ; Elizabeth Vaquera, University of South Florida
The Luxury of Time: Can Single Parents Afford to "Do Gender"? Peter D. Brandon, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY) ; Colin Gruner, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY)
Child Poverty and Social Protection during the Economic Crisis in Middle-Income Countries Emily Nell, Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY) ; Martin Evans, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) ; Janet C. Gornick, City University of New York (CUNY)
Understanding the Relationships between Diverse Family Structures and the Development of Emotion Regulation of Mexican Origin Children: Population-Based Estimates Aggie J. Noah, Pennsylvania State University
The Measurement of Internationally Adopted Children in the U.S.: Evidence from the ACS Robert Kominski, U.S. Census Bureau ; Daphne A. Lofquist, U.S. Census Bureau
A Cohort Comparison of Life Course Transitions among Young Adults in the United States Bohyun Joy Jang, Ohio State University ; Anastasia R. Snyder, Ohio State University
Experiencing Stressful Life Events during Adolescence: Does Gender Matter? Bethany K. Wexler Rainisch, California State University, Northridge ; Dawn Upchurch, University of California, Los Angeles
The Role of Migration in Population Aging Nika Maglaperidze, Ilia State University
Bullying and Suicidality among Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Youth: Examining the Importance of Race and Ethnicity Anna S. Mueller, University of Memphis ; Wesley James, University of Memphis ; Seth Abrutyn, University of Memphis ; Martin Levin, University of Memphis
A Mixture Model for Nuptiality Data with Long-Term Survivors Paraskevi Peristera, Stockholm University ; Gebrenegus Ghilagaber, Stockholm University
The Causal Effect of Another Sibling on Own Fertility – an Estimation of Intergenerational Fertility Correlations by Looking at Siblings of Twins Martin Kolk, Stockholm University
Certifiable? Using Paradata to Evaluate Fields Representatives' Performance in the Survey of Income and Program Participation Jason Fields, U.S. Census Bureau ; Matthew C. Marlay, U.S. Census Bureau
How Did We Do? Evaluating Data for the 2013 Survey of Income and Program Participation Field Test Matthew C. Marlay, U.S. Census Bureau ; Jason Fields, U.S. Census Bureau
The Changing Nature of Lone Parenthood in the U.K. and Its Consequences for Children Susan Harkness, University of Bath ; Paul Gregg, University of Bristol ; Marina Fernandez Salgado, University of Bath
Assess the Presence of Disruptions in Cause-Specific Mortality Series Carlo G. Camarda, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED) ; Marketa Pechholdova, University of Economics, Prague (VSE)
Hidden Markov Models: An Approach to Sequence Analysis in Population Studies Danilo Bolano, University of Geneva
A Multistate Lifetable Analysis for the Effects of the 1st Marriage and Marital Reproduction on Fertility in Singapore Keita Suga, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan
Using Relationship Timelines in a Qualitative Longitudinal Study Examining Emotions and Sexual Risk among Men Who Have Sex with Men Tamar Goldenberg, Emory University
Quality-Adjusted Gaps in Parental Time with Children Katie Vinopal, American University ; Seth Gershenson, American University
Children of Previously Divorced Parents and Educational Outcomes: How Do They Fare in Comparison with Children Who Have Experienced Parental Divorce? Anne Reneflot, Norwegian Institute of Public Health ; Svenn-Erik Mamelund, Work Research Institute, Norway
Old-Age Mortality, the Maximum Life-Span and Their Influence on Variability of Death and the Rectangularization of the Survival Function Marcus Ebeling, University of Rostock and Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Assessing and Adjusting the 2000 Philippine Census Population Count Grace Cruz Cruz, University of the Philippines ; Christian Joy P. Cruz, University of the Philippines ; Maria Midea M. Kabamalan, University of the Philippines
Savages, Primitives, and Developing Countries: The Use of Developmental Hierarchy Terms in Books, 1700-2008 Jeffrey Swindle, University of Michigan
Visualizing Mortality Dynamics for Causes of Death in the United States Roland Rau, University of Rostock ; Christina Bohk, University of Rostock ; Magdalena Muszynska, Warsaw School of Economics
Mental Health Problems in Adolescence and Educational Attainment: Sibling Comparisons from Norway Miriam Evensen, Norwegian Institute of Public Health ; Torkild Hovde Lyngstad, University of Oslo ; Ole Melkevik, Norwegian Institute of Public Health ; Arnstein Mykletun, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Evaluating Fluctuations in National Sex Ratios in Selected Countries: 1960s - 2012 Michele Steinmetz, U.S. Census Bureau ; Heather King, Georgia State University ; Barbara A. Anderson, University of Michigan ; J. Gregory Robinson, U.S. Census Bureau ; Wendie Choudary, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY)
Family Instability and Children’s Cognitive Trajectories in the U.S. and U.K. Melanie Wright Fox, Princeton University
The Consequences of Overseas Employment of Parents on the Education and Well-Being of Filipino Children Joy Arguillas, University of the Philippines ; Lindy Williams, Cornell University
The Roles of Race and Behavior as Determinants of Punishment versus Diagnosis of Childhood Behavior Problems David Ramey, Ohio State University
A Cross-National Comparison of Students’ Daily Life Experiences with Information and Communication Technologies, Using Pisa 2009 Josef (Kuo-Hsun) Ma, University of Connecticut ; Todd Vachon, University of Connecticut
Spatial Examination of Family Planning Provider Networks in Urban Nigeria Hilary Schwandt, Johns Hopkins University and Western Washington University ; Marc Boulay, Johns Hopkins University
Birth Weight and Early Cognitive Development: Does Parenting Mediate the Relationship? Jamie L. Lynch, St. Norbert College ; Benjamin Gibbs, Brigham Young University
“I Want to Be Cool”: Peer Influence on Sexual Behavior, Consumption of Alcohol and Smoking of Cigarettes among High School Students in Ghana Fafanyo Asiseh, North Carolina A and T State University ; Andrew Owusu, Middle Tennessee State University
The Causal Effect of Sibship Size on Fertility in Adulthood Sara Cools, BI Norwegian Business School ; Rannveig V. Kaldager, Statistics Norway and University of Oslo
Three-Generation Coresidence and Overweight among Immigrant Adolescents HaeNim Lee, Boston College
The Penalty of Obesity on Grade Point Average: Evaluating Mechanisms through Variation by Gender, Race, and School Subject Amelia R. Branigan, Northwestern University
IPUMS-International Disseminates Big Census Microdata Robert McCaa, University of Minnesota ; Lara Cleveland, University of Minnesota ; Patricia Kelly Hall, University of Minnesota
Child Care Instability and Maternal Parenting Stress and Behaviors Alejandra Ros Pilarz, University of Chicago ; Heather D. Hill, University of Chicago
Fathers' Childcare Time: Concerted Cultivation? Ivan Sanidad, University of Hawaii at Honolulu ; Yean-Ju Lee, University of Hawaii at Honolulu
Adverse Childhood Experiences: Separate and Cumulative Effects on Adolescent Health and Emotional Well-Being Kelly Balistreri, Bowling Green State University ; Marta Alvira-Hammond, Bowling Green State University
Boy-Girl Differences in Parental Investments: No More Son Preference in Korea? Eleanor J Choi, Hanyang University ; Jisoo Hwang, Bank of Korea
Under-Five Mortality Estimation: Assessing Summary Birth History Methods with Microsimulation Andrea Verhulst, Université Catholique de Louvain ; Bruno Masquelier, Université Catholique de Louvain
Parental Nonstandard Work Schedules and Child Obesity: Does Family Structure Matter? Daniel P. Miller, Boston University ; Jina Chang, Boston University
Adolescent Sexual Behaviors and Serial Cohabitation in Young Adulthood Emily Schondelmyer, Bowling Green State University ; Matthew Wright, Bowling Green State University
Family Structure, Family Structure Transitions, and Childhood Food Insecurity Daniel P. Miller, Boston University ; Lenna Nepomnyaschy, Rutgers University
Relative-Provided Childcare and Children’s Risk of Obesity Parini Shah, Emory University
Studying Health Effects Based on Medicare Data: From Empirical Estimates to Causal Inference Igor Akushevich, Duke University ; Julia Kravchenko, Duke University
Influence of the Immediate Environment and Demographic Factors on the Comorbidity and Gravity of Diarrhea and Fever in Children in Areas of the Ouagadougou – Health and Demographic Surveillance System – Burkina Faso Franklin Bouba Djourdebbé, Université de Montréal ; Stéphanie Dos Santos, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) and Institut Superieur des Sciences de la Population (ISSP)
Family Structure and Membership: Who Affects the Nutritional Status of Children in Cambodia? Savet Hong, University of California, Berkeley
The Role of Maternal Cognitive Skills on Children's Health in Madagascar Catalina Herrera, Cornell University ; David E. Sahn, Cornell University and University of Auvergne
A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Child Sex Ratio Distribution and Its Determinants in India Using Longitudinal Census Data 1961-2011 Ritwika Mukherjee, Jawaharlal Nehru University
A Special Methodology Using a Border Crossing Database for the Estimation of International Migration Flows Anne Herm, Tallinn University
Differing Exposure to Parental Unemployment and Children’s Educational Attainment Caren Arbeit, University of Minnesota
Socio-Economic Status and Names: Relationships in 1880 Male Census Data Rebecca J. Vick, University of Minnesota
Changes in Household Structure and Equity and Contribution to Achieving the Millennium Development Goals: The Role of Indepth-Network Data Jacques B. O. Emina, University of Kinshasa ; Martin Bangha, INDEPTH Network ; Alioune Diagne, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) ; Osman Sankoh, INDEPTH Network
Consistency in Estimates of Sex Ratio at Birth from Registered Birth to Census in Greater Mumbai Mamta Rajbhar, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Sulabha Parasuraman, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
“What Time Will I Breastfeed the Baby?” Practical Issues in Realizing the Who Recommendations for Breastfeeding in Urban Poor Settings in Nairobi Elizabeth W. Kimani-Murage, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) ; Fredrick Murunga, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) ; Catherine Kyobutungi, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) ; Milka Wanjohi, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) ; Peterrock Muriuki, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) ; Nyovani Madise, University of Southampton ; Paula Griffiths, Loughborough University