Poster Session 6:
Population Aging; Gender, Race and Ethnicity
Domestic and Marital Violence among Three Ethnic Groups in Nigeria Eric Tenkorang, Memorial University ; Collins Nwabunike, Memorial University ; Pearl Sedziafa, Memorial University
Recent Changes in Work Force Participation among Elderly in India: Evidence from National Sample Survey Data Antara Dhar, University of Calcutta ; Mousumi Dutta, Presidency University
Long-Term Care in Germany: Future Demand for Formal Providers and the Role of Informal Caregivers Carsten Pohl, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
Employment Trajectories beyond Retirement in Modern Societies Daniela E. Hochfellner, Institute for Employment Research (IAB) ; Carola Burkert, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
Empowerment, Partner’s Behaviours and Intimate Partner Physical Violence among Married Women in Uganda Betty Kwagala, Makerere University ; Stephen Ojiambo Wandera, Makerere University ; Patricia Ndugga, Makerere University ; Allen Kabagenyi, Makerere University
Social Networks among Older Persons in Rural Uttar Pradesh, India Lucky Singh, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)
Reality behind Declining Child Sex Ratio in Kashmir-India Bashir A. Bhat, University of Kashmir
Obesity and Expenditure on Health: A Comparison among Normal Weight, Overweight, Obese, and Medically Obese Women in India Praween Kumar Agrawal, Population Council
Medical Out of Pocket Expenditures and Poverty: A Cross-Country Analysis Alice Zulkarnain, CUNY Institute for Demographic Research (CIDR) and Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY)
Rate of Ageing of the Chinese Oldest-Old and Its Determinants Kuangshi Huang, China Population and Development Research Center ; Zhuo Chen, China Population and Development Research Center ; Xuying Zhang, China Population and Development Research Center ; Jiehua Lu, Beijing University ; Kirk A. Scott, Lund University
Increases in Blood Glucose in Older Adults: The Effects of Spousal Health Chioun Lee, Princeton University ; Germán Rodríguez, Princeton University ; Dana A. Glei, Georgetown University ; Maxine Weinstein, Georgetown University ; Noreen Goldman, Princeton University
Cross National Comparison of Underestimation of Chronic Conditions in Surveys of Older Adults in the Developing World Mary McEniry, University of Michigan ; Jacob McDermott, University of Michigan
Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder? Residential Proximity, Migration, and Intergenerational Exchanges in Romania Boroka Bo, University of California, Berkeley ; Codrina Rada, University of Utah
How the Household Structure Will Change in Aging Post-Communist Countries in the Future Decades? Case Study for the Czech Republic Pavlína Habartová, Charles University in Prague ; Klara Hulikova Tesarkova, Charles University in Prague ; Olga Sivkova, Charles University in Prague
Parity and Mortality amongst Biological and Adoptive Parents in Contemporary Sweden Kieron Barclay, Stockholm University
Impact of Migration on Population Aging in Malaysia: Evidence from South-East Asian Community Observatory (SEACO) Nowrozy K. Jahan, Monash University ; Ireneous Soyiri, Monash University ; Arunachalam Dharmalingam, Monash University ; Pascale Allotey , Monash University ; Daniel Reidpath, Monash University
Women’s Autonomy in Northern and Southern Ghana: Does Religion Matter? Kamil Fuseini, North-West University, South Africa ; Ishmael Kalule-Sabiti, North-West University, South Africa
An Examination of Medical Expenses and Retirement Income for the 65+ Population Using the Supplemental Poverty Measure Kathleen S. Short, U.S. Census Bureau ; Judith Eargle, U.S. Census Bureau
Fertility History and Post-Reproductive Longevity in a Long-Living Population: Villagrande (1830-2013) Michel Poulain, Tallinn University and Université Catholique de Louvain ; Dany Chambre, Independent Researcher ; Gianni Pes, Università degli Studi di Sassari
Older Rural Counties, Social Participation, and Elderly Self-Rated Health Eric M. Vogelsang, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Causes and Consequences of Racial Disparities in Swimming Ana Cuesta, University of Minnesota ; Samuel Myers Jr, University of Minnesota
Socioeconomic Status and Mortality in Moscow: A Role for Biomarkers? Megan Todd, Princeton University
Decomposing and Recomposing the Population Pyramid by Remaining Years of Life Timothy L. M. Riffe, University of California, Berkeley ; Jeroen J. A. Spijker, University of Edinburgh ; John MacInnes, University of Edinburgh
Determinants of Social Activities among Older People in China: An Analysis of Community Factors Pei-Chun Ko, University of Cologne
Self-Rated Health and Mortality among the Elderly in Matlab, Bangladesh Nobuko Mizoguchi, University of Colorado at Boulder
The Long-Arm of Adolescent Weight Status on Later Life Depressive Symptoms Melissa L. Martinson, University of Washington ; Sarinnapha Vasunilashorn, Harvard University
The Role of Polygamous Unions on Experience of Intimate Partner Emotional Violence in Uganda Nick Thomas, Tulane University
Chronic Diseases in Ghana and Their Contribution to Disabilities among the Elderly Olutobi A. Sanuade, University of Ghana ; Charles Agyemang, University of Amsterdam ; Kwadwo Koram, University of Ghana
The Impact of Adult Children’s Out-Migration on the Elders’ Psychological Well-Being in Rural China: Does Gender Matter? Lu Song, Soochow University ; Merril Silverstein, Syracuse University ; Shuzhuo Li, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Time Use and Health among Caregivers of Middle-Aged and Older Adults I-Fen Lin, Bowling Green State University ; Anna M. Hammersmith, Bowling Green State University
Who Will Support the Older Persons? Changing Economic Lifecycle Reallocation in an Asian Economy An-Chi Tung, Academia Sinica ; Mun Sim Lai, United Nations Population Division
Is Acculturation Responsible for the Weak Education Gradient in Health for Asian Immigrant Adults in the United States? Ying-Ting Wang, University of Texas at Austin
Estimating the U.S. Transgender Population: Evidence from Federal Administrative Records Benjamin C. Harris, U.S. Census Bureau
Similar Others in Same-Sex Couples' Social Networks Allen J. LeBlanc, San Francisco State University ; David Frost, Columbia University ; Jose Bauermeister, University of Michigan ; Brian de Vries, San Francisco State University ; Eli Alston-Stepnitz, San Francisco State University
Centenarian Overestimation: Using Vital Statistics to Evaluate Centenarians Enumerated in Recent Canadian Census and to Produce Accurate Estimates Andre Lebel, Statistics Canada ; Harry Francois, Statistics Canada
Socioeconomic Differences in Disability by Age in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Cross-National Study Using the World Health Survey Yentéma Onadja, Université de Montréal ; Simona Bignami, Université de Montréal ; Maria-Victoria Zunzunegui, Université de Montréal
Impact of Migration on Aging: A Case Study of Shihezi City, China Yun Zhou, Peking University
Projection of ADL-Based Disability among Older Singaporeans: Comparing Numbers Based on Prevalence and on Incidence with and without Educational Attainment John P. Ansah, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore ; Rahul Malhotra, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore ; David Matchar, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore ; Mary Ann Bautista, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore
Income Gradient in Obesity among U.S. Adults: Variations by Race and Ethnicity, Gender, and Birthplace across Birth Cohorts Jongho Heo, San Diego State University ; Shih-Fan Lin, San Diego State University ; Audrey N. Beck, San Diego State University ; Brian K. Finch, RAND Corporation
Inter-Individual Variation in Lifetime Accumulation of Income, Consumption, and Transfers in Aging Countries Fanny Kluge, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Community Development and Late-Life Cognitive Functioning Decline in Taiwan: The Role of National Health Insurance Chi Chiao, National Yang Ming University
Immigrant Occupational Attainment in Japan and Its Determinants; Is It a “Structured Settlement”? Yu Korekawa, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Tokyo
The Responsiveness of Health Institutions for Elderly: A Comparative Study of India and China Tulika Tripathi, Central University of Gujarat
Economic Hardship Related Stress and Health of Chinese Elderly Dhiman Das, National University of Singapore
Being Single Again? Asset and Portfolio Reshuffling (Due to Shock) Eva M. Sierminska, CEPS/INSTEAD, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) and German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) ; Maria Cristina Rossi, University of Turin
The Influence of Aging on the Allocation of Life Years: An Interspecies Comparison Marcus Ebeling, University of Rostock and Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Annette Baudisch, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Race/Ethnicity and Nativity Differentials in New Measures of Disability and Functioning for Older Adults Jennifer E. Melvin, University of Texas at Austin
Quality of Life and Self-Related Health among Adults Aged 60 and Older in Ten Major World Metropolises J. Scott Brown, Miami University ; Xi Pan, Miami University ; Jasleen Chahal, Miami University ; Anthony Bardo, Miami University ; Scott M. Lynch, Princeton University
Economic Crisis and Old Age Employment in Europe Hafize Pinar Koksel, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Older Immigrants and Health Insurance: Differences by Region of Origin in Patterns and Sources of Coverage Adriana M. Reyes, Pennsylvania State University ; Melissa Hardy, Pennsylvania State University
The Asian Population in the United States: 1980 To 2010 Bashiruddin Ahmed, U.S. Census Bureau ; Stella U. Ogunwole, U.S. Census Bureau
Elderly Well-Being in Northern Thailand: Does Migration of Children Matter? Amanda L. Flaim, Cornell University ; Lindy Williams, Cornell University
Fear and Insecurity among Older People: Determinants and Potentials Consequences: Evidence from the WHO SAGE Survey Peter Lloyd-Sherlock, University of East Anglia ; Sutapa Agrawal, South Asia Network for Chronic Disease
Women's Empowerment and Autonomy: Do They Promote Help Seeking for Spousal Violence in India? Findings from a National Survey Kathleen Rowan, University of Minnesota
Profile of Old Age Pensioners and Non-Pensioners: Evidence from Rural South Africa Enid Schatz, University of Missouri, Columbia ; Margaret L. Ralston, University of Missouri, Columbia ; Jane Menken, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Xavier Gómez-Olivé, University of the Witwatersrand ; Stephen Tollman, University of the Witwatersrand
Internal Migration, Elderly Care, and Mortality in China Zhenhua Xu, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Race, Place, and Immigration Enforcement: Do Local Police Characteristics Matter? Findings from the Secure Communities Program Ellen Dinsmore, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Racial Differences in Life Expectancy with Cognitive Impairment among the Elderly in the United States Zhenmei Zhang, Michigan State University ; Chi-Tsun Chiu, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore ; Yan-Liang Yu, Michigan State University
Major Declines in Severe Cognitive Impairment in the U.S. Elderly Population: New Estimates from the 1984 and 2004 National Long Term Care Survey Eric Stallard, Duke University
Competing Demands: Financially Dependent Children and Parental Retirement Expectations Joanna Kling, University of Maryland ; Joan R. Kahn, University of Maryland
Schoolmate Context in Early Adolescence and the Educational Attainment of African American Males Cheryl Roberts, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Racial-Ethnic Diversity and Socioeconomic Prosperity in U.S. Counties Luke Rogers, University of New Hampshire ; Andrew Schaefer, University of New Hampshire ; Justin R. Young, University of New Hampshire
Physical Activity and Health among Older Adults in India: Results of a Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health Sub-Study Using Accelerometry James J. Snodgrass, University of Oregon ; Tara J. Cepon, University of Oregon ; Arvind Mathur, Dr SN Medical College, India ; Paul Kowal, World Health Organization (WHO)
Ageing and Retirement Security: United States, Mexico and Mexican Americans Jorge H. Bravo, United Nations ; Mun Sim Lai, United Nations Population Division ; Gretchen Donehower, University of California, Berkeley ; Iván Mejía-Guevara, Harvard University
Employment and Household Income Dynamics among the Elderly in Russia, 2000-2012: Insights from Longitudinal Data Theodore P. Gerber, University of Wisconsin-Madison ; Jonas Radl, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Associations between Sleep Duration, Sleep Quality, and Cognitive Performance among Older Adults from Six Middle Income Countries: Results from the Study on Global AGEing and Adult Health (SAGE) Theresa E. Gildner, University of Oregon ; Melissa A. Liebert, University of Oregon ; Somnath Chatterji, World Health Organization (WHO)
Experienced Life Cycle Satisfaction in Europe Robson Morgan, University of Southern California
Determinants of Nursing Home Discharge and Post-Discharge Living Arrangements: Differences by Gender and Duration of Stay Stipica Mudrazija, University of Texas at Austin ; Mieke B. Thomeer, University of Texas at Austin
Ethnic Differentials in Risks of Childhood Anemia: Evidence from DHS Nepal Yashas Vaidya, Brown University
“The Provider”: The Effects of Economic Inequalities on Self-Efficacy and Sexual Decision Making among MSM Casey D. Hall, Emory University ; Karen L. Andes, Emory University
Is the Mexican Youth an Agent of Change? An Analysis of Gender and the Heterogeneity of Time Use Patterns of Mexicans 15 to 29 Years Old Estela Rivero Fuentes, El Colegio de México ; Carla Pederzini, Universidad Iberoamericana
Understanding How Multi-Racial Families in Brazil Classify Their Children Eric E. Borja, University of Texas at Austin
Loosening Boundary, Persisting Hierarchy, and the Changing Color Line: Minority-Minority Intermarriage in the Contemporary United States Yun Zhou, Harvard University
Household Decision Marking under the New Rural Pension Scheme in China: A Regression Discontinuity Design Xi Chen, Yale University
Gender-Based Violence and Modern Contraceptive Use in the Democratic Republic of Congo: The Influence of Community-Level Factors Rachel Kidman, Stony Brook University, State University of New York (SUNY) ; Tia Palermo, Stony Brook University, State University of New York (SUNY) ; Jane Bertrand, Tulane University
The Health of Parental Caregivers in Ghana Latrica E. Best, University of Louisville