Session 87:
Son Preference and Sex Selection
Discussant: John Bongaarts, Population Council
Chair: Sajeda Amin, Population Council
Why Are Sex Ratios Beginning to Even Out in India? A Test of Supply and Demand Side Factors Influencing Son Preference Nadia Diamond-Smith, University of California, San Francisco
Son Preference and Prenatal Sex Selection: The Impact of Fertility Decline on Gender Imbalance Sylvie Dubuc, University of Oxford ; Devinder Sivia, University of Oxford
Does Son Preference Persist in the Context of Very Low Fertility? Trends in Fertility Intentions in South Korea Sam Hyun Yoo, Arizona State University
Why Are Adult Women Missing? Son Preference and Maternal Survival in India Annamaria Milazzo, World Bank Group
Other sessions on Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health