Thursday, May 1 / 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM   •   Maine

Session 16:
Life Course Influences on Health and Mortality in International Perspective

Discussant: Noreen Goldman, Princeton University
Chair: Steven A. Haas, Pennsylvania State University

  1. A Life Course Approach to Mortality in MexicoJoseph Saenz, University of Texas at Galveston ; Rebeca Wong, University of Texas at Galveston

  2. Later Life Mortality Consequences of Co-Residence with Grandparents: Evidence from Northeast China, 1749-1909Xiaolu Zang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  3. Childhood and Adult Socioeconomic Status and Self-Rated Health in KoreaIrma T. Elo, University of Pennsylvania ; YeonJin Lee, University of Pennsylvania

  4. The Effects of Maternal Risk Factors on Daughters' Health and Socioeconomic Outcomes in Adulthood: A Pseudo-Cohort Analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys Conducted in 50 Developing Countries, 1986-2012Amy Tsui, Johns Hopkins University ; Qingfeng Li, Johns Hopkins University

Other sessions on Health and Mortality