Friday, May 2 / 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM   •   St. Botolph

Session 138:
Public Health and Demography I

Chair: David Canning, Harvard University
Discussant: David Cutler, Harvard University

  1. Sanitation, the Disease Environment, and Anemia among Young ChildrenDiane Coffey, Princeton University

  2. Effect of Early-Life Exposure to Water-Borne Diseases on Old-Age Mortality in the United StatesMagdalena Muszynska, Warsaw School of Economics ; Seth Sanders, Duke University

  3. Public Goods and Health Inequality: Lessons from Paris, 1880-1914Lionel Kesztenbaum, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED) ; Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, California Institute of Technology

  4. Money or Medicine? The Contribution of Rising Income and Improving Health Care to the East-West German Mortality ConvergenceTobias C. Vogt, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Jutta Gampe, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

Other sessions on Population, Development, and the Environment