Friday, May 2 / 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM   •   St. Botolph

Session 119:
Neighborhood Change and Residential Mobility

Discussant: Maria Krysan, University of Illinois at Chicago
Chair: Junia Howell, Rice University

  1. A Cognitively Plausible Model of Neighborhood ChoiceElizabeth E. Bruch, University of Michigan ; Joffre Swait, University of Technology, Sidney

  2. A Longitudinal Mixed Logit Model for Estimation of Push and Pull Effects in Residential Location ChoiceFiona Steele, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) ; Elizabeth Washbrook, University of Bristol ; William Browne, University of Bristol ; Christopher Charlton, University of Bristol

  3. Housing and Household InstabilityMatthew Desmond, Harvard University ; Kristin Perkins, Harvard University

  4. The Dynamic Nature of Neighborhood Attachment and Residential Mobility: A Multilevel Longitudinal AnalysisGregory Sharp, Rice University

Other sessions on Migration and Urbanization