Mortality Patterns: Impact of Education and Medical Cause in the Czech Republic 2001–2005

Jitka Rychtarikova, Charles University in Prague
Klara Hulikova Tesarkova, Charles University in Prague
Pavel Zimmermann, University of Economics, Prague (VSE)

The purpose of the study is to examine mortality differentials by four education levels and eighteen groups of causes of deaths in the Czech Republic in the post-census period 2001–2005. Three particular questions are addressed: first, are mortality inequalities still bigger at younger ages and from what causes of deaths? Second, how much are mortality risks by education different between males and females? Third, what causes of death impact the most on mortality differentials by education? Multivariate results (multinomial response logistic model) including causes of death show enormous mortality excess of men with basic education due to life style related causes (alcohol abuse, suicides and other external causes) and from cardiovascular diseases. Women (whose labor force participation was the highest worldwide and they shared the same conditions regarding health care and life constraints as men) experienced much lower mortality that did not show so significant gaps by education.

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Presented in Poster Session 8: Adult Health and Mortality