Determinants and Correlates of Preventive Behaviors at First Sex with a First Partner and Second Partner: Analysis of the FECOND Study
Hannah Lantos, Johns Hopkins University
Caroline Moreau, Johns Hopkins University and Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)
This study uses a unique French dataset that reports adolescent and young adult contraceptive use at first sex, subsequently with first partner, and with second partner in order to study transitions in condom and contraceptive use in the early stages of sexual life. We examine the determinants of any method use, of condom use, and of very effective contraceptive use at first sex with first and second partners as well as the predictive value of contraceptive use in first partnership for future usage. We also explore individual contraceptive trajectories from first to second partner. Our results suggest a decline in preventive behaviors between first and second partner, mostly driven by a decrease in condom use. Results indicate that usage at first partnership is an important predictor for use in second partnership and that education and comfort speaking with parents about sexuality are important predictors for the cross-sectional usage.
See paper
Presented in Session 39: Family Planning and Fertility: Policy and Practice